
Bloody outrageous!!

This may just be THE most expensive (small) bottle of prescription cough mixture known to mankind!

You'd think it contained gold, frankinscence and myrrh going on the cost. But oh no it's just your regular old $86 cough mixture!! If you're a Brit' then that's 58 pounds! And yes I do have good insurance, but the pharmacist told us, most insurance companies won't cover cough mxture anymore. Sadly I need it, as coughs always settle on my chest and get very bad.

So instead of getting my lowlights redone next week, I'll be drinking the worlds most expensive cough mixture!


Daryl said...

Oh you must try Cough DM .. the one with expectorant in it ... it will help get the crap out of your lungs AND drink a LOT of water .. I get bronchitis every winter since I had pneumonia so I drink a lot of water to help flush my lungs ... feel better soon!

Girl Tornado said...

OH my, I had no idea that a prescription cough med could be so ghastly expensive! that is terrible!

I hope you are better soon, it is no fun to be sick, and esp coughing all the time... I hate it when I have a cough that lasts a long time. :-(

Sherri said...

There needs to be something done about the cost of medical and RX plans here in the US! It is getting out of hand! My daughter had to pay $190.00 for 10 pills the other day for her sinus infection and that was with her RX plan-ridiculous!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Jeez Louise, I hope the one bottle is all you need.

You would think at that price it would come in a crystal decanter.

Nancy said...

Ghaaaa - one of my pet peeves!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I have never seen cough medicine cost so much ?
What the heck is in it, that makes it so much different,than regular over the counter cough medicines ?
I would be asking if there was a generic substitute !

Anonymous said...

What? At that price I'm sure you almost choked!

DeniseinVA said...

That's enough to make you sick all over again. Dreadful prices. Hope you feel better soon.

tinkalicious said...

Holy Moley! Does it at least give you a cough medicine "buzz"? Probly not, probly tastes horrid! Maybe you should switch to tequila? or vodka? and numb yourself out!

Stella Jones said...

Ah ha! I see a niche in the market over here, hmm how can I exploit it? We pay about 7 Eng. pounds max. for that stuff, which is about $4.69. Someone is getting rich on it over here. My husband had to pay apx $200 last year for some foam to put on a bite I had on my leg. Incredible, isn't it.
Blessings, Star

Grace Bridges said...

What? No Vicks Formula 44? That's the best stuff in the world and surely doesn't cost so much...

Joan said...

Holy Ned...that much money for such a little bottle??? Outrageous. Hopefully there won't be a need to refill the prescription even though it's usually the cough that lingers the longest.

Amanda said...

ohh wait till Pink Eye comes your way. I got the tiniest bottle of drops I have EVER seen and it cost me $159.00, and that is WITH insurance.

Everyday Goddess said...

I'd go for an inhaler.

Unknown said...

Trust me I have tried every PTC product there is over the years and none of them work. I had whooping cough as a small child and so I get terrible coughs. Without proper treatment fast it turns into Bronchitis and even walking Pneumonia. So even the Hubster agreed this stuff was worth it, as the cough is already less and productive.

Still shocking though!

Gaelyn said...

Must be a codein. It sure has gotten expensive. But if it works, ya' gotta' do.

I used to get bronchitis whenever I was really stressed out. Haven't had either in years.

Hope you feel better soon.

Snippety Gibbet said...

Aww, take care, Shuggar. This has been a rough few months for you.

Pam said...

It dang well better work at that price. But personally love me some Robitussin.

Unknown said...

Does it have a gold cap? Geez, what a rip-off! Another reason why I go to Mexico for my RX needs. Did you ask if there was a generic for it?

Katrina said...

Oh my goodness! Thats $120 Aust dollars!!! But I guess if it works there is no choice. Hope you are better soon :)

Kay said...

Whoa! That's incredibly expensive. I hope I never need that. Good luck getting your cough gone.

LadyFi said...

OMG - cough mixture for over fifty quid! I'm speechless! And glad I'm not living in the USA.

Kat said...

Have you tried the OTC drug Mucinex? It is an expectorant that will break up the junk in your chest.

Neil Tasker said...

We really don't know how lucky we are over here. I think I'd rather cough myself to death than pay a bunch of crooked pahrmaceutical b******s that. Hope it works for you.

csvan said...

Well I can see that being a fair price. It probably originally cost $10.99, but then they had to add an extra $15 per letter to get "Daily" put on there a second time just to reinforce that when they say "Daily" they don't just mean to take it when ever you feel like it.

Rhea said...

My 7 yr old came down with bronchitis this week and we had to buy some of that liquid gold. But it was worth it...

Hope you're feeling better!!

Jill of All Trades said...

Being sick just sucks. Hope you feel better soon. $86...wow...

Winifred said...

Good grief that's horrendous. Must be the elixir of life! I've never heard of it. How on earth can people afford this on top of insurance charges?

Yes some people do take the NHS for granted. They complain about paying just over 7 quid for a prescription! Luckily I get my Thyroxine free and husband gets all his diabetes and heart medications free too. Good old NHS! Hope Obama can do something for you along these lines.