

Comment Moderation

I have been hit this morning with 28 of those 'Chinese' junk comments on different posts, so for a short while I have had to turn on comment moderation, but please continue to comment. It won't be on too long, just until they lose interest in my site!


  1. Boy did you get hit. Did they hit every single one of your posts?!!

    I was still subscribed to a lot of your comment threads...and I got like 20 of those in my email today from the chinese commenter. lol

  2. Be flattered , they obviously think your blog is reaching a large audience!
    Another blog I read had to do the same they were getting about 200 of them an hour


  3. Rhea no thank god as I have about 985 posts!! LOL

    But it was enough that it took me about 30 mins to delete them all!

    Z - 200 an hour, OMGG!

  4. Sarah, how irritating. That happened to me last week - twice. But only on a couple of posts. I deleted them and that was the end of it. Did you report it to blogger? I'd never seen it before so I wasn't sure what to do.

  5. They must not like my blog...thank god!
    Sorry Sarah; that's not friendly at all!

  6. Wow, I got one last week. I had not idea they would bombard you the way you got bombarded. Wow.

  7. I've had a few of them - just deleted them and then no problem.

  8. The same 'Ed' left messages all over the blogsphere .. I 'removed' his long comment from all the posts on my blog!

  9. I had a few of those, God knows what they say or want. But I rejected it just to be on the safe side.

  10. Wow, you really got hit by them. Hope they've hightailed it away from your blog by now.


So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)