It was hard to believe when I first heard the news today shouted across a public restroom, Michael Jackson is dead.
My very first memories of music are of 'I Want You Back' and 'ABC' in 1969 when I was just 3 yrs old, I have always adored his music, it's been the soundtrack of my life. He was 7 yrs older, so his music has just always been there and I am very sad watching the early footage of 'Jacko' tonight.
He may have done some bizarre things over the years, although I always doubted the child abuse myself. But his legacy will be the wonderful music and images of his amazing dancing he leaves behind. 'Off the Wall', 'Thriller' and 'Bad' are still favourite albums that always lift my mood and make me want to dance.
In 1988 I was lucky enough to see him at Wembley Stadium on the 'Bad' tour and it's a night I have never forgotten. Over the years I have seen about 70 top name concerts at huge London venues and some of the legendary names like Madonna, Elton John, George Michael, Tina Turner, Usher, R Kelly, Bon Jovi, Genesis, Rod Stewart, Jay-Z and the amazing Queen. But Michael stood out right at the top of that pile, as a live performer he was unsurpassed, only Freddie Mercury was an equal.
I remember watching the world premiere showing of the 'Thriller' video on MTV and being amazed. Then trying to emulate the moves, especially that cool walking thing with your shoulders with the hands in front! Seeing him Moonwalk on the 'Billie Jean' video, which is my all time fave Jacko track. This would be closely followed by 'Black or White', 'I Want You Back', 'Don't Stop', then 'Thriller' or 'Beat It' - there are almost too many to name in any kind of order!
The hubster and I were in agreement tonight that this is right up there with the untimely deaths of Elvis, Diana and John Lennon, we'll remember where we were when we heard the news. Why do celebrities who are legends in their actual lifetimes, die too soon?!

So what's your favourite Michael Jackson track and were you ever lucky enough to see him live too?
We were also so sad to hear that Farrah Fawcett, one very classy lady, lost her long painful and very brave battle with cancer. What a very sad day this has been.
I love "ABC" and the early stuff even though he was really big while I was in high school. But my absolute favorite is his version of "Rockin' Robin". ;)
Didn't I read on your blog awhile back that you were taking a blog-break?? I'm delighted that you're still a blogging-fool - I was so sad when I thought I was going to lose you!! By the way, I know you facebook, but do you twitter? I looked for you but didn't find you... I'm listed under www.twitter.com/TheAntiquesDiva. Find me if you're on!
It really is a sad day. However, I was surprised to hear that you're in Chicago. I know you were planning to go but I didn't realize you were already there. I hope you got to see Millennium Park. Have a great time!
Billie Jean, one of the greatest songs of all time.
I was one of 90,000 fans who saw him at his sell out "Bad" concert at Roundhay Park - just a short walk from my house here in Leeds, England.
His entrance on stage will remain with me forever as he stood stock still for 2 minutes without moving a muscle (like he did at the famous Superbowl Halftime Show in 1993) before launching into over 2 hrs of breathless music.
One of many highlights was the crowd singing happy birthday to him as the concert was on 29th August 1988, his 30th birthday.
Musically I always preferred his ballads which often seemed to better reflect what he was feeling at the time.
I think their lights burn so bright and brilliant that they burn out way too fast. Very sad day.
He had fantastic talent and very creative. It was like it was too much for one person to handle.
Hi Sarah,
I was also at the Bad concert at Wembley Stadium in 1988 and was always a fan, although since all the child-abuse allegations I didn't listen to his music so much.
I was so shocked to hear about his death and at first I thought it was some kind of sick joke or maybe that he had falsified his own death to escape the world...
I think there's too many great songs to name a complete favourite, but I really love "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough" and "Rock With You"
Big Hug! XX
Unfortunately I had never seen him live and had managed to get tickets for his concerts dates at the O2.
So sad,
Victoria x
I never got to see Michael I did see Janet in Manchester. She was amazing! I will always remmeber where I was too. Glad you had memories of him in concert xx
Hands down, Billie Jean.
Hi Sarah, I knew you would be upset with this one. Yep, I agree that his untimely death ranks up there with Princess Di, Lennon and Elvis. So much more that could have come from him, what with that tour coming up soon. Meanwhile, he was a flawed human being, completely interesting, beyond talented, and it really is a shame. But I keep thinking that at least he is at peace now and no one can manipulate him, ask anything of him, or take anything from him again. And I think MJ would be at peace with that!
Hope all is well with youguys!
P.S. Interestingly -- just reading Silverback's post ... my in-laws live within walking distance of Roundhay park in Leeds!!! Small small world.
Maybe they die too soon because the live at such an accelerated pace. ?
Lots of living going on from an early age with Michael.
It would be "Black or White", "Beat It" and "Thriller". Never saw him live. It is a shame he is gone and I agree with you - he was Elvis II. But I am more upset about Farrah passing. She certainly was classy and I wish I had kept my posters of her.
Sad indeed. My first memory of Michael was when I was in a pub (before I was supposed to be) and 'I want you back' came on the Jukebox. I thought it was great and I still do.
Blessings, Star
I have to tel lyou the only time I liked MJ's music was his "Of the Wall" album which I bought a cassette for my sis for her b'day. I hated Thriller and all the other stuff (more in the The Jam, etc then), the verbal squeeks/gulps, crotch grabbing and so on. Just never into his style. About the only thing I liked of his even as a teen was his moonwalk. I though the was so full of himself calling himself "kin gof Pop" adn his album title "HIStory"! Sorry. I will say he was very talented though.
Now, as with most boys my age I adored Farrah Fawcett and her story of cancer is very sad. I stopped tracking her after Charlie's Angels but admired how she became an advocate against domestic violence and so on in her later years.
Never got to see him as I stopped going to concerts a long time ago. Just bought his records even though I'm in my sixties. I loved his music.
My favourite is One Day in Your Life. Lovely song and so poignant.
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