New In Town is one of those movies that ticks/checks all the highly satisfying boxes there are.
It's the latest Renee Zellweger rom-com vehicle and co-stars Harry Connick Jr as her love interest. She is the high powered corporate executive from Miami, sent to frigid Minnesota to oversee the downsizing of a smalltown production plant. Think a seriously skinny (which is aging her badly!) 'Bridget Jones' and you're very close to her character here.
This movie is laugh out loud funny, with a couple of classic one liners and one particular moment of dialogue in the woods that had me in tears it was so funny! The plant workers have that salt of the earth quirky charm and backwoods dry humour that is just perfect. The character development is good and you just can't help rooting for them and growing attached.
Harry Connick Jr plays it understated perfectly as a foil to Rene, and despite a god-awful beard, you can't help finding him attractive. The other lead character in this movie is the weather which is frigid and it's comic potential is played out beautifully. Also be sure to watch the deleted scenes as they're very funny.
We both LOVED this movie, in fact it will be joining our DVD collection as soon as I get to WalMart. You just can't beat a feel good rom-com that's not a chick-flick and makes you laugh out loud, this is a classic.
Sarah, John and I saw this movie at the movies with friends and we all really liked it! Enjoy your sabbatical and vacation! Miss you.
Great review, Sarah. I'll have my hubby order it on Netflix. I love Harry (perfect in Hope Floats - love that movie).
I am not a big fan of Renee's but I am putting this on Husband's NetFlix queue .. and I can recommend the new version of The Women because unlike the original this one is very funny .. tho the original is a much better movie, you will enjoy this new version .. I did
That looks like a very funny film Britgal. I'll put it on my list too. I always enjoy films with Renee Zelweger in them.
Blessings, Star
I'm not a fan of Renee either but it sounds good so I'll keep an eye out for this one. Thanks for the info.
She always looks so haggard when she's thin doesn't she. Strange that she keeps on going back to looking like that when she looks so much better with some meat on her bones.
Harry in a beard? How bizarre. Thank you for the heads up on this one. I'll put it on our list. :)
I loved this movie. I like GOOD romantic comedies, not cheesy ones, and this one is an EXCELLENT romantic comedy.
I'm putting this on our NetFlix queue, too... sounds great!
May God bless your blogging sabbatical, and give you rest and healing.
Well, dagnabit. I may be at Walmart this afternoon, so I will look for it. I love a good funny movie!
(Hey, wait a minute... you're blogging?!)
Welcome back sexy.
It's so nice to have you back, Sarash. I'll add this movie to my list.
You're back! Yay!
This one would be a hit at my house. Thanks for the review.
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