

Brit Word of the Day

Todays BWOTD is a common old-fashioned term:

"I banged my bonce"

'Bonce' = Head

This really is a fun word for confusing foreigners and is used nationally. This is the traditional use for it, but apparently it's now become a popular 'urban' descriptive word, meaning something is cool, hot, sexy as well.

Originally 'a bonce' was a large marble used in childrens games during the 18th century. It's first known use as a term for the head was in the 1880's.


  1. "Bonce" - you Brits sure have funny words! Seriously though, this is a fun one!

  2. I can see how that morphed .. heady things being cool being hot . being bonce!

    Word verif: emouts

  3. I love your "Brit Word of the Day". I haven't heard 'bonce' in a long time. I just remembered one of my parents saying "Watch your bonce" for some reason. I was a bit of a tomboy and I was always rushing around.

  4. Thanks Sarah, I had never heard that word before so if I do know I'll know what they are saying!

  5. Hmmm I don't recall hearing this at home,or maybe I just cna't recall.
    We used to say Noggin....
    Although I'm thinking that maybe Australian ? In Cheshire ?

  6. I like it cos it's so close to the ever-descriptive "ponce." :)))

  7. And yeah, I love these Brit Word of the Day posts :)

  8. Got me on that one I had never hear it before.

    An Arkies Musings

  9. So "bonce" has joined the likes of "pants" in coming to mean something completely different. Thanks for the heads up!

  10. Well I never. A marble. You got me there. Still used here a lot for head. You keep reminding me of all these strange words that we just take for granted.

  11. Funny I just learned that the other day. I have a lot of on line and RL Brit friends... and to think we all speak English....not lol



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