I want a pet cow!
I have a photography date tomorrow with a local registered Jersey dairy farm, and when I dropped by to confirm tonight I spotted these little guys. Ya think the Hubster will notice if I move one into the backyard, after all it'd less mowing, free fertiliser and milk.
These little calves, which I think are Guernseys are so cute! I want one too!!
Aren't they too Sherri. But no they are Jerseys, this farm is famous for their Jersey herd.
They have the most beautiful, big, brown eyes, couldn't you just love 'em.
They are the gentlest of the breeds.
Hubster wouldn't even notice ;)
Oh my goodness. I wonder if they'd allow one of those sweeties here in the suburbs. Such cuties!!!!!!!! jan
OMG, you really have become an Okie. No test needed. They are very cute when this size. Take a look at their Moms before deciding to take one home. The get hard to hide.
Hope Suki is OK.
Oh my... They are so cute. I haven't seen cows in Hawaii for a long time. They do have a ranch on the Big Island. I think it's supposed to be the biggest in the U.S.
Beautiful shot! The calves look so cute! I'll have to visit one of my native places to take a shot like that.....
Pixellicious Photos
They are so cute! But I have always loved cows. My very firt pet was a cow I named Cherry. You can keep the horses, chickens, and pigs - just give me a cow.
Do you really think a pet cow would be safe given the Hubster's line of business?
Ahhh! So cute! Get a female and you can have a milk providing lawn mower.
Cute and the 1 on the right - very cute.
They dont look happy ... have you seen the commercials for the happy cows of California?
I'd love a pig and a sheep .... but I fear my garden's more suitable for a rabbit!! Cute pic :o)
I can think of smaller things to try and hide in your back yard than Jersey calves......but probably not as endearing!
ExpatMum - ROFLMAO, very salient point well made my friend!
Oh how precious. I just love it, them.
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