

Could this be summer?!

It looks like Okieland might finally be leaving winter behind, this week's forcast is:

Today = 79/26
Tuesday = 89/31
Wednesday = 94/34
Thursday = 85/29

STUNNING and time to get out the sandals, have a hasty pedicure and breakout the crop pants I'm thinking. Of course along with that comes the annual wildfire threat, as humidity is low and it's been a touch windy on the Plains (translation: hard to stay upright at times!).

I was even more cheered though, considering we had snow just last week, and then after reading that Blighty maybe about to have another winter blast. Sorry fellow Brits, but this is when I realise yet again why I love living here.
How's your weather, any sign of summer yet?


  1. Touch of snow again in Ohio this past weekend. Later in the week warmer weather Yea.....

  2. Its Monday+Rain here ... and Blogger/Picasa has issues .. I have a headache ... whine whine whine ....

  3. Sarah, the temps here in Charlotte are going to be wonderful as the week goes on too! I think by Friday it is suppose to be 86! We had a tornado watch last night, which we don't usually get here. We were lucky though it went much more North of us. The twisters did do some damage in another county. Have a great day! Enjoy you pedi and sandals. I've worn mine twice so far here!

  4. Enjoy your beautiful week. It's headed our way. I love the warmer weather.

  5. Ha! If I am still wearing a sweater indoors, it is not summer yet! I am wearing a sweater.

  6. Gee----looks like Oky land has gone from winter to summer... Where's Spring????? It's supposed to get really warm here this weekend also... Yeah!!!


  7. Spring is springing up all over. I ran today at noon on the river trail. I think the blinding glare from my white legs almost caused some wrecks.

  8. Wow - that is hot for March/April! Is that normal? We have Spring in the UK and it's been very pleasant in the south. I understand the north is due a touch of snow today!!!!!

  9. Looks like we're going right into summer but I'm fine with that.

  10. Luscious weather!!!!!!!! It's nice here too.

    Hey....Someone recently posted a photo of a cache that had a pink pig suckling little piggies. Was that you? I'm trying to find that photo again. jan

  11. Don't pack away the snow boots yet. Remember Oklahoma's infamous late April surprises.

  12. Wow, H-O-T. Still snow here, but with clear blue skies it's not so bad.

  13. It's rather nice here too. How the Devil are you by the way ?


So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)