

Thanks for all the well wishes on the dental implant on Friday. The actual procedure was not too bad thanks to some nitrus oxide, apart from the injection into the roof of my mouth which is a bugger.

It's still very uncomfortable today, the whole area is tender like bruising and I can tell something has been inserted where my body thinks it shouldn't have been! I am hoping by tomorrow that feeling will also start to fade, as it looks healthy and as it should.

Immediately afterwards I decided to take advantage of the pain meds and discomfort elsewhere. So I went and had my ears pierced for the second time! I am chuffed with the result and it has given me another area to care for and think about, apart from my implant. That's Brit Gal logic for you!


imac said...

Ive heard said, that if you give yourself a different pain it takes the pain away from the 1st, logic or not it seems to work.

Its Just Me - Daring to Dream said...

Ouch. I do hope that you feel completely better soon. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

haha! I love your sense of humor despite the pain and discomfort! Take care!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Well---if you have to take extra care of one area, it shouldn't be hard to care for another painful area also.... Just get it all taken care of at the same time... Smart girl, you are!!!!

Glad your surgery went well--and I hope that it all heals quickly as well..
Hugs and Prayers,

Peggy said...

Ouch is right, but in a few days it will be all worth it! Hope the pain eases soon!

Leslie: said...

Good idea to get the extra piercings. I'm always terrified even to get a filling - hope all heals nicely.

Anonymous said...

Glad to know the recovery is in full swing, though glutton for punishment comes to mind.

Daryl said...

I am betting the doc said eat soft food ... and isnt it fun to now need even more earrings to buy?

Pam said...

You'll be glad you did it. No doubt.