

Things we're just mean't to have!

Sometimes in life things come along that just call your name, they're so obviously mean't to be yours. Well a couple of weeks ago on a Saturday morning I started receiving urgent texts from two friends telling me to turn on HSN (Home Shopping Network) immediately. Both told me there was something on I just had to have!

And here it is - a Twiggy London, Union Jack patent tote handbag. The Hubster was not too chuffed with my friends, especially as I am not short of handbags. But he also knew they were right deep down and so he shelled out for it and I'm now the proud owner.

This cute cosmetics bag has now become my wallet!

Whilst in the big city I had another 'calling my name' moment when I saw these, and again the Hubster could only concur ;-) bless his heart!


  1. Oooh, and I thought my Harrods shopping bag was spiffy, compared to yours it's like carrying around a Walmart bag.
    I love the Union Jack, I could spot you coming a mile away.
    How special ;)

  2. Sarah, congrats on all your cool purchases! Enjoy!!

  3. Oh, I concur! Those are superb purchases! Yay you!

  4. I love your latest finds, especially the tote bag. It is so you (I think).

  5. That tote is So You! Of course it had your name on it. Sometimes we just have to and thank goodness you have an understanding hubby.
    Now the shoes, I'm not so sure about. ;-)

  6. Now make sure the front of your house has two flags, the stars and stripes and the union jack! xxx

  7. I could live quite happily with those two items.
    See my Blog today for an interesting 'English' item of note.
    Blessings, Star

  8. hey, I love your formal thongs!!!

  9. Bejeweled and bedazzled .. and a terrific new purse.. use it all in the best of health.

    You need to get him to put a coin in the purse before you use it, its a superstition I never scoff at .. money in a new purse means good luck and brings more money .. honest

  10. I saw that bag on TV and almost grabbed it (as you know), but seeing it in person was even more FABULOUS. Glad you got the proper colours too!!!! :)


So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)