

And down we go!

Well there's nothing like a tornado warning and trip down to the storm shelter, to enliven an otherwise dull Monday night!! There we were quietly watching TV with a storm rolling around us, when the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning for our town and instructs us to take immediate cover underground if possible!

I wasn't even watching the weather until a friend tipped me off earlier, which tells you how far I've come in the past two years. Another local Okie friend even had her bag packed ready! All I did was grab two of the cats, shove them in a carrier and then grab my handbag as an after thought.

The Hubster had to hunt up Bon Bon who had hidden herself away with all the thunder, but in the end we all made it safely to the shelter within a few minutes. Then I got a text from my good bloggy friend Pam OKC to check on us, as the weather reports on TV were showing it right over us.

But all was quiet, well tornado wise, the cats stayed in the shelter, I stood on the steps updating Facebook (!) and the Hubster sat in the truck in the garage listening to the local emergency management team. We had a big thunderstorn and lots of heavy rain and after various texts, calls and listening to the stormspotters on the radio, we headed back into the house.

And of course all this  happens right in the midst of the season finale of 24, which we missed, no spoilers!

Anyhoo, just got to make it through tomorrow at work and then I am free until August, maybe then this will return to being something other than an Okie severe weather blog!


  1. Oo err. Sounds a bit like my aunt who used to stand on the doorstep and watch the German Doodlebugs flying overhead instead of being in the Anderson shelter.

  2. It's good that you own a tornado shelter, I wish we did...
    Last time we had a tornado warning for our little town, the whole family showed up to hide under our crawlspace,I wanted to make a cup of tea and take it with me, they all thought I was off my rocker !
    I'm glad to hear you were safe, and almost calm about the whole ordeal...

  3. Last I heard, you were quitting Facebook!!! What made you change your mind? LOL.

  4. Probably a lot of hassle but better safe than sorry. Glad to hear you were missed.

  5. Sadly, on the same night, another great OK Blogger, Drawing the Motmot - lost everything in the Norman tornado. For a look at the one that didn't get away - check out her blog Drawing the Motmot - she's been posting about it. Quite unbelievable!

  6. I'm glad you missed out on the tornado and hope you can find the 24 finale somewhere soon.

    On another note, I did leave FB. This morning the radio news is reporting that FB is going to give privacy choices soon, etc etc. I left a couple of weeks ago and doubt that I'll go back. Suddenly, I have more time to read :D

  7. Glad you're safe. We've had bad thunderstorms but thankfully no tornadoes.

  8. I'm glad you're all safe! You certinaly have had a lot of tornadoes in OK.

    I've basically stopped doing Fb as I found it to be an enormous time waster. I've heard it described as email on crack.

  9. Maybe you need to install a fireman's pole so you can slide down into safety faster!


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