When you have a weather radio broadcasting severe weather statements all night!
Between 11pm and 4am the darned thing must have gone off 8 times with the siren. But when you have one of the biggest thunderstorms since I got here going over you and it's already produced tornadoes elsewhere, you just can't risk turning it off. Many of the broadcasts were for tornado warnings just south of us on the same storm.
There was one clap of thunder so loud I woke with a shriek lol and immediately went to gather up the cats in case we had to head into the storm shelter! We had 2.25 inches of rain overnight, a quarter of our total for this year and the road is underwater.
Thank goodness school gets out at 11am, because I may be asleep by 3pm!
I hope you get a good nap this afternoon, Sarah. Wow!
I grew up in tornado Illinois and never had any alarm. Guess I probably slept thru may storms.
Hope you get an afternoon nap to make up for the loss sleep.
Oh my. Yes it is dark here now. Nap would be a good thing.
I hope you can get that nap in today Sarah!
My wife has an exaggerated startle reflex. If we had the thunder in Ohio it would have been followed by an earthquake LOL
LOL! We're getting the storm right now. No hail or tornadoes, but some wonderfully loud thunder that's driving the dogs nuts!
this past weekend in TN is was scary for my friend's pets (dogs and cats) with all rain and wind .. they are still suffering the results of the tornado 2 yrs ago AND the flood of 3 weeks ago
I'm not sure about all this extreme weather we seem to be getting, and it's not going away....
I don't have one of those weather radio thingy's I'm afraid I would die of a heart attack if it went off.
I know it's part of the makeup of Oklahoma, but how does one "get used" to tornadoes ?
Hope you manage a little nap this afternoon!
scary stuff, indeed! OKlahoma seems to have such extreme weather. Is it due to global warming?
I'm glad you are okay and that you were able to get a nap after school. I also hope the tornadoes continue to pass over you.
Here's to early release and nap time!!
We got 2.5 inches of rain according to our rain gauge... and there were huge areas flooded down the road from us, right by I-35. Hurrah for weather radios, no matter that they do keep us up all night... it's always fun to go to work the next day. LOL
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