

"How did you miss my butt Mr. Mosquito?!"

"Because between my eyebrows maybe your idea of a joke, but I'm not amused!"

And of course I swell up with Mosquito bites, so if anyone knows a fast and effective cure, please let me know, because this photo makes it look better than it is.

Right now it's like a small pink egg is reshaping my forehead! After-Bite and Aloe gel have helped a little, but I'm open to any other ideas thanks.

One thing I hate about Okieland - enormous Mosquito's that just won't quit!


  1. Ouch !
    Make a paste of baking soda and water, and apply to the bite.
    Also make an ice pack, and apply to swelling.
    Do NOT scratch !
    They prefer faces, rather than butts ;)
    The ones in the south, prefer the neck area, or so it seems ...

  2. In a room filled with people I am always the one who gets bit. I dont know how to make it stop/go away faster (mine are always big and very itchy for days, I am very allergic it seems) but I know how to keep it from happening. Avon Skin So Soft... it repels bugs, has sunscreen and its cheap ...

  3. I think I'm the same Daryl & Jo thanks for the reminder on the baking soda, off to try it.

  4. I used to hear the "Do not scratch!" advice all the time but then a few years ago I heard or read somewhere that if you scratch it until it bleeds it will stop itching and get better right away so I tried it and it's true! You might not want to try that with the one on your face though because it also makes the spot uglier for a bit.

  5. I second the Avon Skin-So-Soft recommendation. When I did a marathon in Alaska, it was a staple for all the runners as the 'squitos are AWFUL up there in summer...who knew!

  6. Sarah, you can soak some tea bags in a little water and then apply the tea bags to the bitten area. The tannic acid in tea draws out the poison and lets you have relief and feel better! Good luck!

    I have 8 mosquitos bites right behind my right knee, nost annoying and itchy!

  7. Ho dear, I find Suda Cream is great for infections and bites.

  8. Good thinking Mac and I do believe I have some in the cupboard!


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