

I can still scream like a teen!

And on Friday August 6th, one of my bestfriends and I will be doing just that when we get to see 'Glambert' aka. Adam Lambert in concert in OKC!

We were both huge fans from the moment he stepped on the AI stage and have been praying for a date in OKC on his national tour. Well our prayers were answered and we are going to seriously 'rock out' judging by his latest video.......

Unsurprisingly our respective Hubsters are not interested in watching us scream and dance like teens for a couple of hours. We may not be Glambert's type, but that hasn't stopped us both developing a bit of a crush!

To say we are slightly excited would be an understatement!


  1. The only A. Idol concert I saw was the one in Honolulu starring Fantasia and (Hawaii's own) Jasmine Trias. Fun but LOUD!!! LOL.

  2. What a hottie! Have fun reliving the youth of screaming and dancing.

  3. Enjoy, but I could not get it to play foe me Misty.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Sarah, I hope you and your friend had a rockin' time! Gee I can't imagine why your hubster or your friends hubster didn't want to go-LOL!!!

  6. That sounds so fun! I love Adam!

  7. I just saw Adam in Toledo Ohio..the show was general admission, standing room only for 1300. We were in the 2nd row, getting crushed the whole time but I loved every minute of the show. What a fantastic performer!

    Enjoy the show. I KNOW you won't be disappointed.

  8. I was wondering if you were going to go to that! How much are the tickets?


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