
My World - D-Day is here!

The big day is finally here for me. Tuesday morning I will be entering the USCIS building below in Oklahoma City to be interviewed for American Citizenship.

My interview is at 9:15am and I would appreciate positive thoughts to keep me calm and my memory full of all the answers to the civics test questions.

Our experiences have always been good with the Oklahoma City office, the immigration officers seem to be generally nice, which is not the case everywhere. Plus I have to keep in mind this final stage is different to the others. At this point they're not trying to trip me up, they actually want me to succeed and see it as a positive that I want to become a citizen.

I have studied the civics questions and am now just ready to finally be done with the immigration process. Check back late tomorrow to find out if I was approved.

To see some great sights around the globe or join in the fun, go to My World Tuesday


LHA said...

Good luck!!!!!!

Sylvia K said...

I'm holding good thoughts for you, Sarah! I know you'll do great!!


Daryl said...

Crossing all crossable digits but know you wont need it... you've got what it takes! xo

Stella Jones said...

Good luck tomorrow. Hope it goes well. I'll be thinking about you.
Blessings, Star

Sherri said...

Oh good luck Sarah! I am rooting for you! I know you will do great!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Sarah! If my Korean grandmother, who knew very little English, could pass the test and become an American, why can't you???

You'll do fine!

Lindsay-ann said...

Good Luck. Hope it goes well for you.

Photo Cache said...

You'll pass with flying colors. happy thoughts are on their way.


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Wishing you the very best of luck, though I really think you'll ace those questions !

Rusty said...

All the best!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, it's here already? Well, I shall be thinking of you and sending good vibrations. You'll be fine of course.

Linda Jennings said...

Good thoughts coming your way from Kentucky!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I know you will do just fine. I'll send good thoughts your way.

Sandy said...

Best of luck to you! I am sure you will pass with flying colors. :D

Al said...

Good luck! I went through this about 10 years ago, the test is easy if you've simply memorized the sample questions.

I was enjoying your post below where you talk about enjoying the nice weather. I know what you mean, I'd have a hard time moving back to the U.K. after living in Colorado and experiencing the incredible summers out here. The U.K. has much to recommend it, but the weather isn't one of those things.

Gaelyn said...

You're already a citizen here and will certainly pass this test! Most likely I'd flunk it.

Pat said...

As I read your post, it was about 30 minutes before your test and I prayed that you would be calm and relaxed and the answers would pop into your head as soon as you heard the questions. I will definitely check in tomorrow to find out the results!

Lynn said...

By the time you read this your interview will be over but I want you know that I was trying to send positive vibes your way.

Jenn said...

Best of luck to you! I am certain that you will get approved. :-)

carolina mountains said...

Sending lots of luck your way!

Dee @ Red Dirt Ramblings said...

I hope it all went exceedingly well. We are fortunate to have you as a citizen.~~Dee

Anonymous said...

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