

Split loyalties already?

So tomorrow the USA plays England in the World Cup (ABC 1:30pm EST) and it's being dubbed here as the most important day in US Soccer history. It is after all the Soccer Rookies vs Soccer Nation, we invented the game and it is our sporting passion.

I will be parked in front of the TV for most of the next month, watching all the big games whichever nations are involved, I have my highlighted schedule at the ready. As I type this I am supporting France against Uruguay and it's very rare for me to support France let me tell ya! But I'm a little torn, as Evra of Manchester United (my team) is the French captain.

I feel sorry for Americans, because this is the world's largest sporting event but they just don't get it, and miss out on a worldwide party of massive proportions. There is hope though, Soccer is the fastest growing sport in the USA, thanks to youth soccer teams. Maybe twenty years from now, I'll have some locals showing some interest in the 'beautiful game' with me.

So where will my loyalties be, well let'sjust say the flag of St George was raised on our flag pole this morning as the World Cup started and it will stay up for a month, until England wins the World Cup!

I always feel most homesick during the big soccer events. If you've never been in England during a big match, you can't even comprehend the national fervour and passion for our team. The streets are literally deserted when England has a crucial game and it's the one time we all fly our flags.

It just ain't the same living here, if I run down the street with my flag chanting Eng-er-land, Eng-er-land, Eng-er-land - I'll get some very strange looks! So I guess the Hubster will just have to put up with me running a few laps of the backyard tomorrow when we win.


  1. No doubt, England will win. There are some Americans in my family who will be watching for the next month. All three of my kids played from age 5 on - one played in college. All three made me want to buy stock in the makers of Tums. All three were goalkeepers.

  2. Nothing like supporting your team during soccer fever.
    Run around the garden with your flag waving behind you, who cares what the neighbors think ;)
    Just to be fair, you may have to carry the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes, it's what I do on July

  3. My son played Youth Soccer. And although I don't really follow any professional sport, I'm cheering for South Africa. May the best team win!

  4. It's sooo exciting. My flag's up too. Can I pinch your pic on the Blog please so I can put it on mine. L has a flag too but his is smaller than mine (for the moment).
    Go England Go..............!
    Blessings, Star

  5. Star you are very welcome to it!

  6. I hope you enjoy the match, I'm off to my brothers to watch it!

    Victoria xx

  7. I keep trying to explain the excitement at work. They just don't get it. I am probably as into it as Tim is. It is going to be tough tomorrow though because of course I want my home country to win but I have pulled for England in the other events over the past seven years. I don't really care which wins tomorrow (figure it will be England) but a big upset would make me happy too. *SIGH* whatever it is going to be good fun watching!

  8. Well---I'm not into soccer (like so many Americans) , but my best friend and her family LOVE soccer ---and will watch all of the games for the next several weeks.... They live and die soccer --like you do!!!!


  9. Thank you! May the best teams win!

  10. It's OK to keep old sports loyalties. We will allow it.

    An Arkies Musings

  11. What a shame, the Americans do miss out on the World's biggest sporting event next to the Olympics and shows they are still insular. I'm loving it already and can't wait for the game tonight, C'mon England!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. They did it once in 1966 - so you never
    I enjoyed listening to it on the radio at work in my teens.

  13. I am embarrassed about not paying attention to sports. My husband and son live for it. In fact, Chicago is right now going nuts over the Stanley Cup win. I wish I was there to feel the fever.

  14. David refuses to change the channel to the soccer tournament. He says it's "boring." Huh??? You're right: Americans just don't get it.


  15. 1 all.....
    So what was all that annoying whistling that went on, throughtout the whole darn game ?
    It drove me to the point of muting the sound, and figuring out the plays for myself...
    Did you fly both your flags ;)

  16. My sons played youth soccer and I enjoyed watching them so I really wanted to like professional soccer - I have really tried - but for some reason I just can't get into it.

    I wouldn't mind if the US lost to England. It seems only fair since it means more to them than it does to us. I'm embarrassed to have to admit I don't even know how that game turned out.


So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)