

Things I didn't used to have to worry about...

This was the 5ft long Bull Snake my dear friend Nancy (in the next smalltown) almost stepped on in her yard. And despite being an Okieland native, Nancy is as deathly terrified of them as I am! 

She is the authentic pioneer woman, who bravely used her Honda people carrier to repeatedly run over a large Bull Snake on her drive a couple of years back. For approximately 15 minutes, back & forth she went. Screaming to herself with every bump as she passed over it. Needless to say I love Nancy dearly, she is one of my most favourite Okieland people.

That's her brave Hubster who decapitated said snake and bravely demonstrated it's full length (insert whole body shiver at this point!).

Now granted they live even more rural than I do, but they're still in easy sight of the main highway and Main Street. And I had a 3ft one of those (insert full body shiver here too!) in a cupboard in a room in the back of our garage just two months ago.

As I said, not something I used to worry about!


  1. I with both you and Nancy
    (insert full body shiver here!)
    Happy Fourth of July newby Citizen

  2. Not much for snakes either, (insert full body shiver here). But, bull snakes are good and even keep rattlers away.

  3. And to think I wrote about a measely gecko startling me...

    Thank snake would definitely have me screaming. However, I had to giggle imagining your friend screaming as she ran over the snake.

  4. I am not a fan of any creeping, crawling or flying thing

  5. Glad we don't have deadly snakes in the UK. I love the juxtaposition of "Honda people carrier" and "authentic pioneer woman" .... that made me smile :o)

  6. Eep! Now that is one big snake. :0

  7. Are bull snakes poisonous or just scary? We have lizards and I love them for all the bugs they eat. Still, they're not welcome inside my house.

  8. Marilynne Bull snakes are not poisonous but here's the problem. Around here they and Rattlesnakes are so prevalent there has been some cross breeding going on and it can be very hard to tell them apart sometimes. The Bull snake will even go so far as to twitch it's tail in leaves to try to emulate the rattle sound.

    The game warden hubby of another friend here said it's whether the eyes are round or eliptical. Well I ain't about to hang around to check and he maybe winding me up anyway!

    I often get the PC commenters here saying "ooh they don't do any harm, they kill bugs, leave it alive". Well they'll meet very rare locals here who might heed that, we have way too many to worry about the population!

    Plus, let's put a 5ft snake of any description in their garden, surprise them with it and see if they sing a different tune. I'm betting they all would!

  9. Yowser!! Just reading about those snakes in your post was enough to give me the creeps!! I give you credit for bravery...even though you may not consider yourself to be brave.

  10. Grey and damp it may be, but thankfully that's something we don't have to deal with here.

  11. I right there with you and Nancy! I cannot stand snakes-they creep me out!

  12. Oh eeeew....
    I came from Brazil (yay VisaJourney), and I live almost in downtown OKC. So I was all happy and smiley thinking I'd never see a snake around here. Then, on the first time I go for a walk by myself... dead snake in the road! Eeeewww. Did I spend a week looking paranoid to the nearby grass? Hell yeah!

    I'm a coward though. I kill with alcohol + fire. Running over a snake with something? EEEEEW. And that is the reason my husband never tells me on the same day when he sees a little "innocent" grass snake.

  13. Too bad she killed it. These snakes do a lot of good! No shivers from me, just a few tears for the dear old dead snake.

    BTW, read your comment. Have not heard of them inter-breeding with rattlers. Like Gaelyn said, I believe they kill rattlers and they mimic them for self defense. I have had a 4 to 5 foot snake in my backyard when my grandson was here. I threw my grandson in the house until I was sure it was not a rattler, then left it alone as it apparently had crawled up my drainage pipe to eat a mouse. It left soon after that on its own! No harm done and my yard was now pest free!

  14. I am not o fan of snakes either, not even little harmless ones. Those clouds are awesome, was it a storm approaching?

  15. Heck and I worry about piddlin' little spiders!


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