

Just call me Alex Ferguson!!

So today I am venturing into the world of football coach, or soccer as it is known here!

We have a pretty active 'soccer' little league in our area and the lady coaches are work colleagues of mine and the players are students. So we have had a few discussions over lunch about their need for a greater knowledge of the 'beautiful game' to assist them with their coaching. As with many Americans, they have not really watched soccer or played it. Although I have only ever kicked about a ball in fun, having been an avid Manchester United fan for life, there isn't much I don't know about the game and it's rules. So I offered to help and my offer has been gladly taken up.

They are part of a pretty good sized league that plays every Saturday morning in the nearby town. Right now they are not at all hopeful of success as kicking the ball whilst moving is proving a challenge, but I have no doubt the other teams have the same issues.

Now it's a whole different ball game when you only have 3 or maybe 5 players a side and they're under 5ft tall, but I really hope I can add something to the team for them. I have to say I am quite looking foward to getting involved and helping out, I have no doubt it will be fun and may also result in a few funny tales!

Watch this space...


  1. Hey Coach Sarah,
    I expect some posts about how your coaching is going. I was an assistant coach for two years for son when he played. The kids played better than I coached.

  2. Good for you, Sarah! I think it's really wonderful of you to help out. There's not a WHOLE lot of people willing to give up their free time to coach. Those kids will love you.

  3. That's great Sarah, let us know how it went!!

  4. Aha, now the plan becomes clear - hang around for 5 years, learn how to say "soccer", become an American then the opposition will will never suss the "Secret Weapon" - The Embedded Brit!

  5. OMG Rob!! Thanks for the belly laugh, however did you suss my secret plan!!

  6. Sounds like loads of fun. Hope you don't lose your voice yelling to your team. LOL.

  7. How come only 3 to 5 kids per side?

    Good for you--contributing some expertise for the coaches. I was a soccer mom for 14 years, but never coached. It was my social life from 1984 through 1997!

    I'm sure you will have a blast and I'm looking forward to your soccer posts.

  8. Is there no end to your talents woman? I am looking forward to how you sort out the parents!!

  9. That sounds a great job Sarah. Best of luck! The sideline mams and dads are the biggest problem to deal with here. I always feel sorry for the teacher who is the ref.

    Now cricket was always my game when I was little. We had no grass in our area so it was easier to play cricket in the back street with a dustbin for a wicket.

    Forgot to ask, how good are you at keepy uppy?

  10. I'm sure you'll make a fine coach. Both of my children played 'soccer' and they both loved it.

  11. Good luck, Coach! My kids both played soccer for a while, but neither kept it up. However, it was fun, except for the occasional over-serious parent.

  12. It's going to be great !
    Manchester United has always been my favorite 'English' team too.
    I bet the kids do great, not sure about keeping the parents in check though ;)

  13. I so enjoyed coaching my son's soccer teams over many years. We called in "beehive" soccer with the very young. Have a great time and show them your stuff.

  14. For someone who never particularly wanted kids .... they sure are filling your life! Hmmmm, I wonder what Freud would think of that? I tried to comment yesterday, but the word verify wouldn't come up :(

  15. Pam I have the perfect interaction with kids, and then I get to hand them back. If anything my constant contact with them now had reinforced the decision not to have them. I love them, but I love my freedom more and if I had kids I wouldn't be here now!


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