

Blog Spotlight #1

I thought it would be fun to start a somewhat regular new blog feature, Blog Spotlight. Each time I will introduce a blogger who could be new on the scene, or an old friend like this weeks choice. So without further ado, let me introduce the delightful Kay of Musings.

Kay lives in Hawaii, having returned to her birthplace to enjoy her retirement after living many years in Illinois. She lives with her superfit husband Art and her intrepid mom, they live a very active life and love to travel every year to new places. In 2008 she came within 50 miles of me, only we didn't realise it until the next day, but one day I hope we can meet.

I have enjoyed her blog for almost 3 years as she shares life's joys, travels, tribulations and trials. Kay is definitely one of those people in life who invariably looks on the bright side and will leave you feeling better off for visiting her.

Why did you start a blog?
"It all started with Dina of Jerusalem Hills Daily Photoblog. We were good friends in Illinois before she moved to Jerusalem. She thought a blog would be a wonderful way for us to stay connected and walked me through the steps of putting one together. So I guess I started it as a way to stay connected with her, but it also enabled my children to know what we were up to."

What do you enjoy most about blogging?
"I've especially enjoyed meeting other bloggers and learning things from them. You, especially! I feel like I'm never alone. I'm always connected to the rest of the country and the world. How amazing is that?"

How would you best describe the content of your blog?
"I had the worst time deciding what my blog should be about. I couldn't settle on a theme, much less a title for it. That was why I eventually decided to just call it Musings because it's pretty much whatever thought crosses my mind for the day. I guess there's a lot about my family because they do keep crossing my mind all the time."

Any tips for fellow bloggers?
"I think a way to have others discover you is to visit and leave comments in blogs you enjoy reading. I always like seeing photos on posts; it doesn't have to be a lot. (By the way, don't forget to reduce the size of your photos before you post.) I try not to make my posts too too too long. OK, I know I've broken that rule countless times. However, if a post is too long, I tend to shy away because I love to visit a lot of friends in the cybersphere."

Are you hoping to achieve anything specific with your blog?
"Nope. Wait, maybe. I am a retired teacher so I suppose I can't get away from still wanting to foster understanding and relaying any useful information I might have stored in my rapidly declining memory banks."

How has your blog impacted on your life?
"It keeps me thinking and gives me a schedule. It's also amazing how many of my friends and relatives have started checking in (without leaving comments, alas!). They've just told me that they feel connected to me which is lovely. I've also met some fabulous people through my blog. (I'm waving at you, Sarah.) It's also wonderful to get helpful advice and recommendations from around the world."

Which of your blog posts is your favourite to date and why?
"I do enjoy going back to the posts I've done while I've been away on trips. It brings back all the excitement and feelings of wonder that travel gives you. As for my favorite post... remember what I said about my rapidly declining memory banks?"

What makes a great blog post in your opinion?
"Wow! This is a hard one. As I've mentioned before, a picture or two, not too long a post, interesting topics are helpful, but good writing is essential. And humor! I love humor! I also find it easier to comment if people would stick to one subject area in a post (not that I always do)."

Anything else you'd like to share about yourself, your life, or your blog?
"I'd just like to thank you and everyone for spending time with me occasionally. I love the idea of shaking hands and giving a hug through my computer screen."

Do take the time to go and visit Kay at Musings and say "hello", I think you'll be glad you did.


  1. Sarah, I blog with Kay almost everyday! She is a delightful person!! Thank you for sharing Kay with everyone!!

  2. Thanks for introducing me to another great blog!

  3. What a cool blog interview, Sarah! You hit all the right topics.

    It was such a pleasure to meet Kay in person, when I invited her and Art to my home for lunch. They are very entertaining conversationalists!

  4. Kay has been one of my blog friends since I started blogging almost three years ago. It is through her that we started a big blog family.
    You've done a great job of profiling her and her blog.
    And I think I've been to your blog before, too, but somehow I lost track of you. You are now back on my list.
    Thanks so much for featuring Kay.

  5. Great idea, Sarah.... I love to hear what other Bloggers think about blogs. There are so many different blogs out there, and we all are different in what we enjoy.

    I agree with Kay that some blogs are just too long. I just kinda 'graze' over them usually. I limit my photos to about 6 ---an used to do many, many more. I also don't like a blog to be wordy... BUT--I don't care much about humor. I like substance.

    I'll look forward to reading more of these spotlights... Thanks, Sarah.

  6. What a neat idea. You are a very good interviewer, and I enjoyed this post very much.

  7. kay is a great friend to new bloggers and helped me three years ago to get some followers.

  8. Kay is also rersponsible for getting me interactively blogging. She is a gem.

  9. I came over from Kay's to see what she had say here. While I was here I poked around a little bit. Hope you don't mind :-)

  10. What a fun thing for you to do; I'll go look at her blog.

  11. Great feature - Kay is definitely an interesting person!

  12. That's a lovely idea and I look forward to "meeting" more of these wonderfully talented and interesting people around the blog globe!

  13. What a great idea! I wish I'd thought of it.

    I came across Kay's blog by accident about a year ago and I love it. She is such a gentle and kind human being that it's a pleasure to be around her (virtually).

  14. i love this! your idea of sharing another, singing their praises, widening the circle is what blogging is all about.
    enriching ourselves and others.

    i love the simple act of generosity. it is infectious.
    certainly your idea to share another is just this, realized.

    thank you, you have brightened my morning with new unexpected friends.


  15. How wonderful. I found Kay from you actually.


So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)