

A disturbing thought!

Three cats = ALOT of cat hair, in fact we need to sweep the kitchen floor every 2 days to keep it down and run the Dyson frequently.

So as I swept up the hair with my trusty Swiffer mop last night, a thought just popped into my head.

Bearing in mind you just can't get all the hair and the girls also sleep with us, just how much cat hair are the Hubster and I ingesting every year?!

Is it possible we have a hairball in our stomachs?!

I shared this thought with the Hubster, needless to say he wasn't too impressed! I may have too much time on my hands, but you gotta wonder!

(P.S That's not our cat hair up top)


  1. Gross! That's why our cat stays outdoors. Back in New York, I used to keep a dog indoors. Talk about hair all over the place! I loved my dog, but, as they say: Never again!

  2. Ha ha ha, you and me both then Sarah! Larry is allergic to Millie. He has to wash his hands every time he touches her. Isn't that a pain!
    Hop on over to my place where a little something is waiting for you :)

  3. We no longer have cats. I do love them, but I certainly don't miss the constant cat hair!

  4. I never thought about this before. Thanks SO much :-)

    (However, it hasn't been a problem for over 25 years, so I don't think we'd give up our cats, no matter how much hair we're ingesting.)

  5. Just sharing the love Kathy ;-)!

  6. On the other hand, you should see how much hair Art and I are losing.

  7. Well, thankfully cat hair is not harmful, the only time it causes problems (as in cat and dog hair) is when a human suffers from allergies, and it's the 'dander' that causes the allergy reaction.
    I have more human variety of hair hanging around, than I do kitty type :)
    Hope your having a wonderful weekend !

  8. Our dog fills my vacuum up with her long hairs. I didn't think she shed that much until I started looking in the bags before I emptied them. You cuold stuff a mattress with it all.

  9. Statistically you swallow about 8 spiders a year, they have to have somewhere to bed down for the night.

  10. You may find yourselves minus a cat or two if you keep vocalizing those thoughts. :)

  11. LOL, Sarah! Every time I cough, I expect to expell a hairball. I know I breathe it in. Lord only knows what I may have ingested.

  12. Switching to wooden floors last summer highlighted just how much fur and crap there is in the house - I can't look at carpets in the same way now!

    Now cough gently, just in case.

  13. We used to have three lovely kitties that lived with us and I often wondered the same. I LOVE cats, love them. After they all passed I promised not to get another one, at least for a few years. When the youngest girl moved out and was gone for awhile she would visit the oldest girl who has three felines and lo' n behold she is allergic. Apparantely living with them all the time and she developed a tolerence. No wonder the sinus problems and ear infections. I feel sort of bad.

  14. I Swiffer almost daily, vacuum weekly .. and there's just two of them and two of us and Toonman hasnt got a lot of hair .. so ...


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