
Danger money?

I spent yesterday getting way too friendly with the toilet bowl after finally contracting one of the bugs we have been fighting at school. Being the acting school nurse makes me susceptible I guess and I sometimes joke hazard pay maybe in order at times!

Like most of Okieland, our school has been fighting a major attack of viruses and bugs for about a month now. Ironically this week the numbers were going down and then I succumb at the last moment.

I dragged myself into work for just over an hour as stuff needed to be done, but I felt lousy and so I headed home. After more nastiness for awhile, then a good sleep and plenty of Coca-Cola I finally felt better last night and risked a little Chicken Noodle Soup successfully.

Chicken Noodle Soup when sick was a new concept to me when I arrived here, but I have to say it is completely the right thing to eat for recovery.

Today I feel fine, so it seems it was just a 24 hour thing and I can still enjoy my weekend. It seems there's just alot of sickness going around this winter.


Unknown said...

So glad you are feeling better Sarah. There has been so many of my blog friends sick lately and going through families. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Ooooh! Sorry about that! Glad you're feeling better. Yep! Chicken Noodle soup is just about a cure-all.

Anonymous said...

Generally, when you have the runs, you should avoid oily soups...

Linda Reeder said...

School kids are so very germy! Glad you are better.

Pam said...

Chicken noodle soup makes everything better. Except for Campbell's, which I can't do any of their soups any more except in recipes. But glad you are feeling better, and hope you have a big ol' can of Lysol to spray down your office at the end of the day!

csvan said...

When I worked in London, one of my co-workers was from Poland & her cure all was:

a shot of Vodka with black pepper, followed by a spoonful of Raspberry jam in a mug of hot water.

Oddly enough, it worked & you'd be better the next day, but it was interesting trying to ride hte Tube home, being a bit tipsy from her concoction!

George said...

I'm glad the Chicken Noodle soup worked for you and that you're feeling better. I think any nurse at an elementary school deserves extra pay!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Glad you are feeling better, I think the Chicken Noodle soup is an old Jewish remedy, and yes, it works !
Hazard pay, you certainly deserve it ...lol

Sherri said...

So glad you are feeling so much better Sarah! That nasty flu is horrible this year. Get rest and plenty of fluids! HUGs!

Kay said...

So glad you're feeling better. I always got sick during the school year. I found it interesting that you drank Coke. I'm the same way. Something about Coke always settles my stomach when it's feeling sick. And chicken soup! Definitely!

Gaelyn said...

Chicken Noodle Soup will cure almost anything. Glad you didn't have to suffer too long.

Richard Lawry said...

Glad you are feeling better. Several years ago on a trip to Belize, my wife and my brother-in-law became very ill with the flu. My wife said that she was worshiping the Mayan God of Porcelain.

An Arkies Musings

Expat mum said...

My pharmacist confirmed the Coke thing recently. Apparently it's the cola rather than the bubbles, and flat coke is even better. Our local drug store actually sells cola syrup as an anti-nausea medication.
Also - perhaps consider that Air Borne stuff. It was developed by a teacher who was fed up with getting everything the kids had.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

Glad you're feeling better. I'm sure you get exposed to all sorts of things as school nurse. It's a wonder you're not ill all the time.