

Fingers Crossed

We may finally be seeing light at the end of the tunnel in the ongoing compressor saga!

It is literally limping along with alot of TLC and a few breaks in each 24 hour period. We have been told a new compressor was shipped to us by freight line from Atlanta Georgia on Thursday. They don't deliver Monday and so we are hopeful for a Tuesday delivery.

The Hubster and his refrigeration engineer are all set to go into action the moment it arrives, so hopefully by midweek all this stress will be behind us. This has taken so long because replacing a 67yr old compressor is not straightforward. This will be a newer and different type and some connections may have to be especially customised to fit it, but it should offer the solution we need.

Thanks for all your supportive comments, they have mean't alot to us.


  1. Oh good. Now let's hope it works with no big hitches!

  2. Oh Sarah, I hope everything works out for you two! It is very frustrating when things take so long. Keeping my fingers, arms, legs, eyes crossed-LOL!!

  3. Fingers crossed indeed! Hey, 67 years is incredible performance, all things considered. Hope the new one is just as hard wearing, eh?

  4. Hooray! I hope everything goes well with the installation and that the frustrations Hubs has experienced will soon be a thing of the past!

  5. I hope this works without too much dificulty.

  6. This will be a happy week if it all works out. You both deserve a break.

  7. I hope it works! Say a prayer to St Anthony...he has helped me in more situations than I can count.

  8. Good luck with that. Is it going to be very expensive?

  9. Yay! Fingers crossed for a smooth transition. You must both need some sleep!!

  10. Right on - waiting with baited breath that the conversion goes well. ATB!

  11. I hope the compressor arrives and works just the way it is supposed to.


So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)