

Houston we have a problem!

My office door was painted bright red last week and it now appears to be attracting the Grasshoppers! To find out why this is an issue, if you're unaware, read here.

I look up in the day and see them crawling across the central glass pane just taunting me. My good friend and colleague Judy, has even gone so far as to give me her bug net for my office. She also comfortingly told me the Grasshoppers seem especially large this year!

When I told my boss she just fell about laughing at the irnony and has teased me a few times! The good news is however, my nearest work colleague may share my office area, but she does not share my fear of the little blighters.

This however doesn't help me much when I walk up from outside and have to flick them off my door before I try to enter. Who knew Grasshoppers would turn out to be one of the banes of my life in Okieland! Photographic evidence of my new plight will follow.


  1. What a wonderfully middle america phenomenon!!! And I remember the grasshoppers in Oklahoma are HUGE!!!! I've never seen them as big as they are there!!!! Good Luck! In line with your grasshopper dilema, we recently had a flying ant dilema in Italy. We stopped for a "picnic" at an olive grove in Tuscany on the very night that the local ants sprout their wings and fly away... suddenly we were covered in flying ants!! It was hideous!!! Then when I returned home to Berlin yesterday, I spoke to my mother and it turns out my brother (near Tulsa) has a ladybug infestation!!! So - you're not alone!!!

  2. Sarah I feel for you. Ugh couldn't imagine having to look at the dang things everytime I walked in to my office. Well I do see them constantly while out working though. Something about the sound of our lawn mowers attracts them. At least they don't fly at me and just seem to be attracted to the mower. Right now we are having a really bad time with cicadas. They seem to think the mowers are some really big female they need to mate with.

  3. Oh Sarah, I'm so sorry about the grasshopper dilemma you seem to be having! They don't bother me, but then again I grew up on a farm. I hope they leave soon!

  4. lol! Poor Sarah. Hope the bug netting does some good. Once when we talked to our son in Niger he said there were about a million grasshoppers in their apartment, so Tim & Jolene, along with their little neighbor kids were catching grasshoppers, pulling their legs off, and putting them into a bottle for T&J's cat. Now there's a good use for grasshoppers!

  5. Those are some of the most disgusting creatures on the planet. You just know they're plotting evil every time you look at them. Step away from the door...

  6. Oh Sarah, I feel for you !
    I tolerate most bugs and creepy things well, except locusts, they just give me the "Willies".
    Seeing their tranparent skins attached to tree trunks, long after they have left, just makes me develop a case of goosebumps.
    Carry a newspaper with you, and then you will have a swatter, and look sophisticated at the same time ;)

  7. EEEEEEEWWW .. I really dont like bugs of any kind .. perhaps you could bring BonBon to work with you ...

  8. Is there any chance you can get the door repainted in the old color. Hopefully the grasshoppers are attracted by the fresh paint and will soon go away.

  9. EWWWW! The worst buggy thing I've had to deal with at work was lady bugs. Oh and fruit flies. Every summer here they descend on us.

  10. Out here in Southern California we don't have that many grasshoppers. I feel your pain.

  11. Oh that is awful for you. Perhaps it's a way for you to work through your thing with bugs.....or not.

    We're missing the bug screens built into the windows in our apartment in Toronto, like in most homes in Canada and I'm sure in the US too. Back here, we're having to deal with some "visitors", not that I have a problem with bugs, I grew up in Africa after all, just got spoilt with a bug free home for the last 2 years.


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