

Counting down to becoming American

Yeh I'm still here! Summer is over, I'm back to work and crazy busy with just 6 days until the students are back in school.

But my big news is I have a date for my Citizenship Oath Ceremony - Friday August 27th is the day I will become an American! The ceremony will be in OKC and it seems I will have a few good friends joining me at the ceremony to cheer me on. I know there will be some piccies taken, which I'll be sure to post afterwards.

More posts to come about my summer, I need to get my blog back in shape!

Hope everyone is well and life is good, I will start getting out into blog world to visit soon.


  1. Schools starting already. Where does the summer go? Only 2.5 months left to my season. Wondered where you've been and what kind of summer playing you've been up to.

    Congrats on your oath date. Look forward to pics from the ceremony.

  2. School seems tob e starting very early!

    Congrats on the oath! Just think, you won't have to deal with annoying immigration things ever again!! Brilliant!

  3. Congratulations Sarah. Now you have something else to be nervous about, but that really will be the last thing. Then you can have two passports and come and go as often as you like.
    Look forward to reading your posts.
    Blessings, Star


  5. Sarah, I'm so glad you posted because I thought something was wrong. Glad you're back and nothing was wrong! Congratulations on getting your date to become an American!! I can't wait to see those wonderful pictures of you!

  6. Glad to hear you've got your date to become an american. It's made how long it's all taken,

    Victoria x

  7. Let's just hope some idiot doesn't try to bomb the building with stuff in a backpack like happened in Chicago when me and 500 other immigrants were stuck on the 29th floor of the official building. (Typical isn't it?)

  8. Enjoy the occasion, a start of a new chapter.

  9. How exciting! I can't wait to see your photos.
    School starts here next Wednesday. Summer break went too fast!

  10. Oh Sarah, Congrats!

    Sounds like busy is going to be your middle name as the school doors open! Have fun!

  11. Congratulations on your citizenship, and good luck with the new school year.

  12. YAY!!! On the citizenship deal, not the short time til school starts up....Please post pics of the ceremony if they let you take them.

  13. How exciting, Sarah! I'm so happy for you. I've been unable to visit much lately either with all the stuff going on around here. What a summer!

  14. That's so very exciting!!

  15. Congrats Sarah, how exciting!! Good luck with the new school year, although it seems impossible to be starting back up so soon. Where has the summer gone??!

  16. Congratulations, Sarah! If I hear a rumbling in my office on the 27th, I will have to wonder if it is you doing the happy dance!!

  17. I'm looking forward to seeing a post of you in your new outfit becoming an American citizen.


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