

My two cents worth.....

As someone who has to fly between the two nations arguably most likely to come under a terrorist attack at anytime, I just have to say.....

I have absolutely no problem with the new full body scanners or pat downs at the airport, sadly these are the times we now live in.

If this is what it takes to make it less likely some suicidal nutjob with a bomb in his underpants or shoe will blow me up somewhere over the Atlantic, then all power to the TSA. As long as I'm not asked to parade naked through security, then I will do what they need me to do to protect myself and my fellow passengers. Surely this is a no brainer for most of us?

And I have a strong feeling if any of these print cartridge bombs do the job they're intended for, all the public outrage will vanish in an instant. Maybe the TSA needs to run a few ads of the towers falling on 9/11 to shut the protesters up!

Personally I don't ever want to live to see another day like that, it seems some have shorter memories.


  1. Sarah, I so agree with you! Sometimes people forget the technology they use today could very well save their lives! I myself don't want another repeat of that horrible, horrible day!

  2. I agree wholeheartedly !
    I've been having full body pat downs for the last twenty years, mostly in the UK whilst departing, but what the heck.
    If you can't swallow your pride for the sake of a plane full of fellow passengers, and know it is 'the cause' we are fighting for, then don't fly.
    What happened to learning from previous experiences ?
    Ooh, best be quiet now ;)

  3. Even though I'd be considered an infrequent flyer (once or twice each year) I'm completely ok with whatever they need to do.

  4. I don't really care what they do, but I am highly sceptical of the efficacy (ooh, get me). I would be very interested to learn just how many bombs or other exploding devices are caught in this way. Think about it- if you're carrying something like that, you're hardly likely to go through a screener or subject yourself to a pat down. The airports could accomplish the same deterrent by having random pat-downs or searches.
    What they really need to do is take a closer look at who is buying airline tickets in the first place, where they are flying to and from, how frequently they make those flights etc. etc.
    Most people they find have huge alarm bells against their profiles anyway, and intelligence should have identified them far earlier.

  5. I prefer pat downs to those x-ray machines. Scientists are now saying those machines use so much radiation that it could cause skin cancer. Also, pregnant women are being warned not to use them.

    Sad times we live in...

  6. I agree ... I do however think that the pilots who already go through some serious security and would have to be scanned several times a day have a valid point.

  7. It's sad that our world has come to this, but I agree with you. While I would like to never have to go through the scanners or be patted down, it really is a small price to pay for being safe while flying.

  8. I also agree. I think it's sad these are the times we live in, but they are and so be it. Also, I've given birth to 5 children, so good luck to the TSA in making me feel any more 'violated' than that did. ;)

  9. I am TOTALLY with you on this. I've never ever grumbled about airport security being excessive. I hate that cargo security has been so lax and Im praying that this recent incident improves cargo security.

  10. I don't mind it at the airport, I don't mind it at a stadium, I don't mind it anywhere... if it makes life safer for us all... totally agree with you Sarah

  11. I agree with ExpatMum. I just saw a piece about the Israeli security system. That's what they do and they are very effective. Their people are trained thoroughly and they question the passengers for specific information. They are often put to the test and if anybody gets by them, they are fired. That's it. No second chances so people get very good at their job. We need to learn from them.

  12. This is so weird. I did a whole bunch of comments on your blog and they're not there. I must be losing my mind. I didn't get x-rayed in LA when we returned to Hawaii. I did see some people getting pulled over to be patted down.

    I've never had a full body pat-down, not even in Egypt. I do think we live in a scary world now.

  13. I totally agree with you. I said the same thing over on my blog!

  14. I'm thinkin' if we all just went naked it would be harder to hide our bombs -- except who would want to sit on the airplane seats?

  15. Did you see the woman that came to the airport in a bikini!!! If I had the body for it that's what I'd do.

    I pray the terrorists don't start using tampons as bombs though!!!

  16. Yes but the question is does it make us safer? I really don't think so. I think we need bomb/chemical sniffing dogs at the airports and metal detectors.


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