

Headed Home

Well in exactly a fortnight (2 weeks) I will be sitting at Dallas Fort Worth 'enjoying' a stopover en route home to Blighty for Christmas with the family. As usual I am not looking forward to the journey which is about 21 hours door to door and I hate to fly. This is a bad time of year for the Hubster to leave the business, so I am leaving him here to hold the fort and I will miss him. But I am looking forward to being back on English soil for the first time in over 5 years, in fact since I emigrated.

I am sure I will notice changes. I keep up with the news daily over there and so I have a good idea of how things are changing and not all for the better. I expect to experience some nervousness when in heavy traffic nose to tail at speed, but after so many years of zero traffic, it's going to be a culture shock re-adjusting!

There will be new homes to visit for family and friends and a ton of catching up to do. I am sure I will be taken aback by some changes and unsurprised by others. I will spend time with my almost 90 yr old Nana, one of the main reasons I am going now.

Things I plan to do that I have missed include: a day shopping in Bath with my mum, catching up with my dad and winding my brother up. A trip to the seaside to stand on the beach and smell the sea, maybe even dip a toe despite the cold as I have missed it terribly. A visit to Wells Cathedral for a Carol concert hopefully and a National Trust property to soak up some history and architecture. Sitting in a pub with a pint of Guinness and a roaring fire, and enjoying scenic old English villages.

No surprise that I won't be dieting whilst I'm there! I plan on eating everything I've missed as much as possible: a decent Bacon sarnie for breakfast daily, Indian Curry, Chinese Peking Crispy Duck, M&S Prawn Mayo sarnie, Sausages and Sausage Rolls, Lamb, Steamed Syrup ponge, Custard, Galaxy Chocolate, Brandy Butter and Minced Pies. Needless to say I am taking loose clothing!

So I am now 'officially' on countdown and hanging clothes ready to pack, buying last minute bits and bobs and spending time with the Hubster who will be 'Home Alone' for a fortnight. And now I'm off to buy a travel plug on Amazon!

I will blog from Blighty on my observations and with pictures whilst there.


  1. Wonderful!!! Enjoy your vacation, Sarah!

  2. It sounds exciting! Have a great time. ATB!

  3. Hi Sarah, just catching up here.. so glad to hear your trip is coming up so soon. Look forward to blogposts from over there, (if you have time!)

  4. Very good too. I know you´ll have fun. Visiting England as a tourist is weird but fun, I did the same thing last Christmas.

  5. That is so terrific!!! I'll be looking forward to your posts, especially from Bath. We loved it there. I'm remembering those calorie ridden, scrumptious English breakfasts.

    Have a wonderful time! I'm sorry for the 21 hour travel exhaustion. It'll be worth it once you're there.

    Now you've got me thinking about the food too. I remember the kids being nuts over a slice of bread that must have been fried in the bacon fat or something.

  6. Ooh, exciting and not long to go now! Enjoy the anticipation, the preparing and the packing and even the journey. It's going to be wonderful.

    Retailers and Restaurateurs have been informed of and are frantically preparing for your imminent arrival...

  7. So nice you can get back to see your Nana. Safe travels, Sarah!

  8. The travel there is awful, but the being there is divine. Wish we were going to Blighty for Crimbo!!!

  9. I will be stopping in to see your blog posts. Best wishes for safe travels!

  10. Aside from seeing your Mum and Dad and brother .. you could travel less far and get all that here in NYC! I wish.

  11. Don't forget your snow shovel! Have a great time and Merry Xmas.

  12. Sarah, have a wonderful, delightful trip back home!! I can't wait to see your wonderful pictures and hear about your trip! Be safe and Merry Christmas to you!!

  13. Sarah, have a fabulous trip. You are making me quite hungry. Can't wait for you blogging travels. Carla

  14. It sounds as if you are going to have a great time on the other side of the Pawn. Taking loose clothing is probably a good idea. It's nice of Hubster to let you go without him.

  15. the Britgal is returning to her home turf! Have a wonderful time,

    Victoria x

  16. Okay, by the time I'd finished reading your fourth paragraph, I was asking myself, 'How could you leave all that??' Having been to Britain, I completely fell in love with the countryside - especially Herefordshire and Yorkshire. All the things you mention bring back great memories. Mr. Hubster must be some guy! Enjoy your trip home. I hope it's wonderful. :-) Carols at Wells...sigh.

  17. Enjoy your trip home. I havent been home in 2 years to Plymouth Devon.
    All the things you mentioned I miss.
    Bacon and sauage here isnt the same is it. M&S sandwiches too oh how i miss them.

  18. Safe travel and enjoy your trip. Looking forward to your pictures. :)

  19. "Bacon sarnie for breakfast daily, Indian Curry, Chinese Peking Crispy Duck, M&S Prawn Mayo sarnie, Sausages and Sausage Rolls, Lamb, Steamed Syrup ponge, Custard, Galaxy Chocolate, Brandy Butter and Minced Pies."

    Stop, stop you're driving me crazy!!!!!! Marks and Sparks Prawn Sandwich....ohhhh.....and a sausage roll stop, custard (though I have a can at home but still) and Indian Curry!!!! Please stop!! :0(

  20. Enjoy your Christmas vacation, especially after 5 years of being away! My hubby (who is also English) is in the same boat, it will be five years for him in Jan. We're hoping he can visit in the spring next year, and catch up with family and eat all the food he's been missing.


So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)