


Things I still have to get done by Tuesday night include:

Find the pack of Christmas cards I know I have somewhere here and get them addressed. So if you usually get one from us and you don't this year, please don't take it personally!


Decide what clothes to take, and as usual I will take too much!


Attend the School Christmas program.

Get the tyres on my car aligned.

Try not to contract either stomach flu, pink eye or a recurring virus that are all raging through the school right now!

Grocery shop.

Round up the video camera, netbook, mp3, Kindle, numerous chargers, the plug adaptor, decide whether to take all my camera lenses or try to whittle it down and maybe regret it later!

Sort out my quart sized bag of liquids for security.

Pack my suitcase, carry-on and handbag for the maximum of ease.

Unpack them then repack them at least twice!!

Wash my warm coat.

Have a test run of the Tylenol PM I intend to take, so maybe for the first time ever I will get some sleep on a flight!

Try not to worry, stress, get anxious about the flights - I HATE FLYING!

Try not to get anxious about making the journey alone, I've done it before but it's been 5 years!

Round up all essential paperwork.

Ensure I have all gifts for friends and relatives with me.

Send contact details to various friends in England.

Clean the house.

Lavish love and affection on the Hubster and the 'girls'.

Load Skype on my netbook so the Hubster and I can keep in touch visually.

Decide what to wear on the flight for comfort, sleep (fingers crossed), warmth and to not resemble a bag lady upon landing. Not much to ask then!


Get cash and sort out credit cards I need to take and not.

And what have I done so far.....

Cooked meals for the Hubster and stocked the freezer for the entire time I'm gone.

Had brief moments of looking forward to being back in England - before guilt at leaving the Hubster over Christmas, stress at going alone, worry about everything takes over again.

Tried to keep underwear, printer cartridges and shoes to the back of my mind!

Got myself up to date at work.


Aaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhh - stressed moi?!


  1. At least you're not going to be bored between now and Tuesday. I predict you will get through everything on this list and more.

  2. LOL thanks George, this list is maninly so I don't forget anything!!

    And you know, sometimes it just really helps to be honest about what you're feeling and this maybe cathartic too!

  3. You'll be fine! I promise! lol

  4. It's all the planning and worrying part of trips, that drive me to distraction.
    You'll have a wonderful time I'm sure, say 'hello' to Old Blighty for me, and be sure to eat a bacon butty :)
    {Hugs} friend

  5. Lists are great. Gives a little sanity to the mess that is tons of stuff to do.

  6. BREATHE and remember there are shops over there to buy anything you forget!

  7. I so enjoy scratching things done off my list. Pat yourself on the back every time you do. You'll have an amazing time on your adventure! Lots of new stories to share.

    Happy Holidays!

  8. Hand that list over - there are a few things I could scratch for you, like cleaning the house!

    Don't forget to take more than one credit card for when they hand it back to you and tell you it doesn't have chip and pin and therefore they can't take it. Grrr.

  9. Good gracious! This sounds so much like me before a trip, especially the repacking twice. I know what you mean about the guilt, but your Hubster must be happy that you're having this special time after so many years away from your family. I can't wait for your photos from England. Stay away from the riots.

  10. Take some Tums [antacids] in case you need them, and have a smooth trip and a hugging, good time!!
    PS Have you made Xerox copies of your passport, credit cards, plane ticket fold up and have in your pocket?

  11. Thanks EPM & Mare for excellent reminders!

  12. Have a great time! I'm so glad you're going. :)

  13. you really do have a lot to do....funny I always have to decide how I want to dress on the plane as well...I usually side with warm as i'm always cold on planes!!!

  14. Preparing to be away from home for hoiday travel is so difficult!! Good Luck getting it all done!


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