

Up, up & away!

Well I am headed to the airport for the long journey back to Blighty for Xmas.

I got all of my 'to do' list done just about and my suitcase scraped in under the 50lb limit by a measly .02 lbs. The last time I flew the limit was 70lbs, now it's 50lbs and no doubt in a few more years it will be a ridiculous 40lbs! How they expect you to get clothes, gifts, toiletries, the weight of the case and various essentials in for under 50lbs blows my mind!

I have been trying not to breathe in at work for days as a nasty stomach bug circulated around me and I think I remembered everything.

So I need good vibes and a few prayers please for a safe and hopefully sleepy journey at around 7:40pm CET today, as I wave 'adieu' to the States for a fortnight.

Next post from Blighty!


  1. Have a great and safe trip. I hope we'll be able to meet for a coffee as you rush about seeing all your friends and family and doing all the fun stuff, however I do know how these visits home fly by and there's never enough time for it all.

    If I don't see you, have a wonderful time and Merry Christmas to you and the family.

  2. Safe trip Sarah, I hope you have a wonderful visit with friends and family alike.
    Eat a bacon butty for me :0

  3. Safe travels, Sarah. Have a wonderful time!

  4. Sarah, have an absolutely awesome time in Blightly!! I just know you will! Safe travels!

  5. Have a great time. I want you down the local, sherry in hand, belting out Slade at the top of your lungs on Christmas Eve!

  6. Travel safe .. and I cant wait to see/hear all about your time there .. I hope you get to see Rob!

  7. Have a Great time and bring back lots of pics and stories. Happy Holidays!

  8. How exciting, Sarah!!! I wish I could travel to England. My first and last visit was in 1969, too long ago.

  9. Have a safe journey Sarah. If you are anywhere near Luton, I'd like to meet you.
    It's going to be very Christmassy and white when you get here....!
    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas in dear old England.
    Blessings, Star

  10. Lucky you! Have a fantastic time and blog all about every detail!

  11. Have a safe journey and a great visit. I'm glad you got packed under the limit, but what is it going to be like when you come back?


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