

Blue-eyed Sukie RIP

The Hubster & I are heartbroken tonight after we had to let our eldest and sweetest tempered kitty go to a better place early this morning.
She started having seizures at 4am and was left blind and distressed. After a few very sad hours, we decided we owed it to her not to let her suffer after all the love she has given us for 10 years. The night Gary was in hospital last November, she slept on my pillow with her paw on my shoulder for hours comforting me, something she'd never done until that night, she was very special.

We will miss our blue-eyed Sukie, she was with us through almost our whole relationship and we loved her so much. We are a sad family tonight, including the other 3 kitties, after losing one of our own, trying to adjust to not having her and her funny little ways around anymore.


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Sukie sounded like such a special kitty. jan

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss. Pets are such a big part of our family.

  3. OH so very sad for sure. It is so heartbreaking when you lose such a part of the family. You guys are in my thoughts as you deal with the loss.

  4. I'm so sorry, Sarah. This is very hard. A dear friend of mine here just had to let their dog go to sleep too and she's struggling with it. I'm glad you have the others to keep you company and help you through this.

  5. So sorry about your loss. Our pets just don't live long enough and it really hurts when they are gone.

  6. My thoughts are with you in such a difficult time. The loss of a loved one is so hard, and Sukie sounds like a really special girl. She was lucky to have such a loving family. xx

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry Sarah. I know how difficult it is to lose a much loved and treasured pet. I'm sending hugs your way.

  8. How very sad for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you hugs.

  9. Pets are family to me. I had to make that awful decision a couple of years ago, and I still miss the best cat that ever existed. Google 'The Rainbow Connection' about pets waiting for us on the other side. It may help a little.

  10. Not the Rainbow Connection...It's the Rainbow Bridge!!

  11. what you did was brave and loving .. its not easy to let our fur babies go .. i hope sukie has met our sweet rose by now ... rose passed in early october after a struggle with kidney disease .. (((sarah&gary))))

  12. Well, at least you know the outcome, as sad as it was. In my case, my outdoors cat stopped eating and simply diappeared.

  13. What a gorgeous picture. So very very sorry to hear about your loss.

  14. Sorry to hear that news Sarah. I know how miserable it is when a cat dies. They are so much a part of the family. You did the right thing though.

  15. It was really sad about Sukie. You never really get over losing them you just have to adapt to life without them don't you.

    I keep hoping that you'll blog again. Missed you & your news.

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