

Unrednecking day!

My redneck porch as of 01/28/13
After a straight 7 days and a few evenings at work, I am finally home for the day and January was supposed to be our quiet month at work haha.
One of the main reasons I decided to stay home is because I will not enter February with Christmas decorations still on my front porch, and so today is the day I 'unredneck' myself! It helps that we are going to get close to 80 degrees here today, but that also makes it all the more embarrassing that I still have my porch bedecked in Christmas.
Unfortunately I think the christmas lights all around the house may make it into February as I need the Hubster to get those down with me. But come snow, wind or rain, they are also coming down this Saturday.
Mind you, now I am a fully fledged gun owner, spent my weekend running a gun show and can't wait to go target shooting tomorrow evening, all hope may already be lost for me!
Anybody else showing their redneck tendencies?


  1. Apart from the old fridge on the front, - No!

  2. Does a freezer under the 5er qualify. And what's wrong with colored lights all year long.

  3. If you can't get the lights taken off just unplug them...then take them off at your (Hubster's) convenience.

  4. Kathy don't worry they've been off for awhile, but around here people think it's redneck to leave them up all year!

    Gaelyn, yep I believe it does lol! And nothing in my book, I call them fairy lights though and that REALLY upsets the Hubster!

  5. If they were around your backyard fence, fine. Front of house in any month besides December, redneck. BTW, hope you guys had a very merry one. How is Gary feeling?

  6. I imagine the woodpile in the yard qualifies me as a redneck. But we did get our Christmas decorations down in January.

  7. If you're turning redneck - then embrace your Christmassy deck! ;-)

  8. Love it! Maybe one of the reasons we did not have any lights up this year. Mind you, there didn't seem to be quite as many lights up in our neighborhood so I didn't feel so much out of place.

  9. Hi Sarah, It took me several days --but I did get all of the Christmas stuff put away about Jan. 8 I think... We like to keep it up until Epiphany (Jan. 6) ---but after that, it has GOT to come down!!!

    I'm a mountain gal --so I have lots of red-neck inside of me... ha


  10. We always take down our tree on Jan 1st. No other lights around the house.

  11. my menorah has been cleaned and stored for another year ... ;)

  12. So, now what are you going to do for Valentines Day, and then Saint Patrick's Day, and then Armistice Day, and so on?

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So go on, go on, go on....leave a comment and make my day ;-)