Seeing as The President 'bumped' AI last night, we watched
The Dark Knight, the latest offering from Batman.
This is a superb movie, the plot is strong, the action is top rate and the cast excelled themselves with their fine performances. This film is packed tight with stars; Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Aaron Eckhart and the much missed Heath Ledger.
This is without doubt the performance Heath should be remembered for, and he richly deserved his Oscar. He is so believable as The Joker, that you just can't see Heath in him at all. Heath Ledger went out at the top with this role, it's just so sad such a fine talent is gone.
It's dark, dangerous fun, the Batman franchise has grown-up, and it's easy to see why it was the biggest grossing movie last year.
Five stars plus, very highly recommended and the movie I have enjoyed possibly the most in a year!
We watched this a few weeks ago and while I enjoyed it .. I have to say I dont see where Heath Ledger was so fantastic .. the man was in make up and so over the top as to be funny ... Jack Nicholson's Joker was better but that's just my opinion
Have you seen Milk? Now that was a movie with incredible acting.
I STILL haven't seen this movie. It's laughable the amount of times the boyfriend has tried to show it to me (starting in the IMAX when it came out) and it just hasn't worked out. He swears it's wonderful, and I believe him...
Maybe next week.
Visiting you from SITS--have a wonderful day!
I totally agree with you Sarah. This was such a great movie and Heath did a fantastic job as The Joker.
I have loved Heath since "Ten Things I Hate About You." This one's on my list.
I loved this movie just as much as you did...but...didn't you feel like it needed to end about half an hour before it actually ended? It was like the movie of false endings...other than that slightly confusing aspect, I liked it a lot as well :)
It's by far one of my favorite films. I'm a huge Batman fan. Heath became the Joker, no doubt about it.
I'd never seen Heath Ledger before, so I went in only expecting a good Bat movie. Having seen many, many Batman cartoons, movies and a few comics, I was impressed by how well he embodied exactly who the Joker is. A total sociopath.
No rain yet, huh? We've had some, but not a lot. I'll believe the forecast snow when I see it.
I can't say I saw it because I didn't. My girls all did and each had a different opinion.
We saw the Dark Night the first day that it was in the theaters and then again after it came out on video.
My son, hubby and myself all thought that this one was the best of all the Batman movies. Heath Ledger was great...he deserved the awards that he got, just a shame that he wasn't there to receive them!
I second. That movie is great and Heath Ledger's performance was wonderful. So said he passed away.
Heath was an incredible actor that you can only imagine would have evolved into an even finer one. I loved him in Breakback Mountain.
Thanks, Sarah. I'll add it to my book of movies we need to see.
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