
Rain, Sleet, Blizzard

As usual Okieland doesn't do anything by halves and we're battening down the hatches here. In the radar piccie, we are under that slightly smaller coloured area right next to the panhandle, but look at what's heading our way! After 85 days in the north west corner with no moisture at all, now we're getting the lot in one day.

It has rained since midnight, now it's sleeting heavily with strong winds and the blizzard that hit Colorado yesterday has grown stronger and is just an hour away. Once it gets here, they are now saying it will stay over us for almost 24 hours and it will make history as our worst snow event ever this late in March.

We are offically under an NWS 'Blizzard Warning' and expected to get 8-12 inches of snow or possibly more.

School is closed, all the OK TV stations have their crews near us, we're stocked up at home, we have a furnace if we lose power.

Taken at 09:30am, as snow arrived


Pam said...

Girl, I'm thinking of hibernating today as well! WElcome to the great plains, it is what happens here.

Daryl said...

Welcome respite from drought .. stay in, stay warm ...

Anonymous said...

Dearest Brit..dont forget to wear your thermal vest and a hat for heat conservation..and if all else fails huddle together for warmth and play scrabble..take care..and if it helps it snowed/sleeted/rained and blew a gale in Scotland yesterday.
effin granny

Sassy Britches said...

How exciting and scary! Stay warm and safe!

A Cuban In London said...

A really different post from the previous one. Wow! Your area does like going to extremes! Wish you good luck.

Greetings from London.

Anonymous said...

Hope you've got some rich tea biscuits for dunking in that PG!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Wow, this is pretty late for snow for you guys, huh?! Hard to imagine cold temps. We've been in the 70's all week, and today we're supposed to get all the way up to 81º. Hope you guys don't lose power, stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Dramatic for sure, and a bit exciting too. Stay safe and warm.

Unknown said...

Well still got the power right now, I have cooked us lots of supplies in case. Stacy - we were 84 degrees on Monday this week!

Anonymous said...

Sarah, you've been on my mind all day, and I linked to your post with my blog. I can't believe this storm. Guthrie is gonna get hit too, and what will all my spring beauties do with such terrible temps? I hate late spring storms. I am glad you're getting the moisture.~~Dee

Jo, a retired teacher said...

Good luck. I hope it goes by quickly and with minimum damage. That same storm dropped several feet of snow on Utah's ski resorts too.

Anonymous said...

After having a winter of weather like you are getting once or twice a week, I feel for you. Hope your power stays on!

Anonymous said...

And it's headed in my direction. Yay. Actually I don't mind too much except that the timing is not good for me. I have stuff going on today and tomorrow that do not go well with rain and snow and power failures.

Keep warm and enjoy those indoor activities.

Housewife Savant said...

While the rest of us are enjoying spring, you're socked by THIS. I'm glad you're well-stocked and safely hunkered.

Deb said...

I'm sorry yall are getting bad weather, it is just dreary here today in Texas and cooler, ready for that sun and 80's to come back

Sam_I_am said...

it rained like crazy here yesterday, but it's 61* Good luck, hope the power stays!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I've been wanting an opportunity to take a picture of the blooming redbuds with snow. I guess that I'll get my chance.

Snippety Gibbet said...

I heard the national weatherman say that the panhandle was going to get multifeet of snow. Brrr... I would have liked that, oh, about a month ago. I guess if y'all are in such a drought though, this is a godsend.

Dewdrop said...

Look at you with your radar! Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Only in Oklahoma can you get a tornado and a blizzard in the same week.

Unknown said...

And don't forget the 84 degrees Kendris!

Kymical Reactions said...

It’s raining some serious rain here at the moment. Accompanied by the nearly deafening cracks of thunder and a bolts of lightning.
Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

You're about to get snow? You have my sympathies. After 4 months, we have just got rid of ours up here on the frozen tundra.

SandyCarlson said...

Good luck with that!

Its Just Me - Daring to Dream said...

This is precisely the type of weather I dont miss and one of the reasons I was happy to move West for warmer climate. Hang in there and enjoy the scenic view!

Winifred said...

There's no flippin' happy medium is there!