I was so sad this morning to read that Jade Goody had passed away overnight, losing her battle with Cervical Cancer. 27 years old is too young to die and by her own admission, this could have been prevented if she had been more attentive to her history of suspect smear/pap results. But Jade has done more than any other person, to raise awareness of this killer disease for women. Over the last few weeks requests for tests have gone up by huge percentages in the UK thanks to her.
Jade may not have always led a perfect life in the spotlight of being a reality TV star, but she was always true to herself. Her personal choices may have at times seemed like the wrong ones, but she was very much led by her heart. She was obviously a good mum to her little boys and the saddest part of all this is what will happen to them. Sadly although she left them financially secure, those that now have custody of the boys are less than reliable.
She fought her battle with cancer constantly in the public eye and received some criticism for it. But I applaud her, not only did she make enough money to ensure her boys security financially, but she also made more impact on the fight against Cervical Cancer than any other person or advertising campaign. Jade fought it with her usual blunt approach, a smile on her face, dignity and determination, as can be seen below. This is her legacy and many lives will undoubtedly be saved because of her tragic death.
Nobody leads a perfect life and Jade was no angel at times. But I will remember her as very brave, and smiling with her two little boys in the lovely picture above. God Bless you Jade.
27 is way too young to die. It's so sad for her two boys!
It's unbearably sad, even more so because she died on Mother's Day in England.
Maureen I also thought that was such a sad coincidence, both for her own mum and her sons
I never saw anything of her except in the news. People either seem to have loved her or hated her, no inbetween with this girl. Power to her, though, for what she did to raise awareness and provide for her kids. Any mum would do the same.
So very sad for her and her children. Way too young.
I had to google her to know who she was. A very sad story. I can't believe that people were critical of her for making money on her story. Seems to me that she was not only educating the public about an insidious disease, but providing for her children as well.
Very sad and on mothers day to. I liked personally and she was a super Mum to her boys. RIP Jade xx
I was so sad this morning when I heard that she had died today, on Mother's Day. Her poor little boys. Prayers for Jade, Freddie and Bobby.
Its always too soon to lose a parent, my heart goes out to those boys ..
Jade was a bigger than life character who lived life to the full and in the best way she knew how. So terribly sad that it's over at 27...it's too young and a tragedy no matter your opinion of her.
Well said, Sarah.. it is oh so sad.
I had followed her story since she was diagnosed. I had my fingers crossed that it would turn out different for her. She was one brave woman. So very, very sad.
Yes whether you liked her or not, whether you agreed with the way she lived and died you had to admire her courage and her battle for her boys.
She believed that money would bring them a better life. I hope it does but it's no guarantee.
I just hope that the publicity she gained helps young women to be more aware of the disease and for the government to reduce the age for smear tests.
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