
A small apology to my visitors!

I would just like to apologise to my commenters, followers, blogroll members and blog buddies for slacking on visiting y'all.

I am feeling very guilty and try to get out and about when I get a nano-second. But I am now in the last month of the school year, so work is just frantic and wears me out mentally at the mo', plus I still have the thyroid issues slowing me down!

I have to put what energy I have left into being a temporarily crappy maid/wife/cook/playmate to the Hubster, trying to get in some exercise everyday and getting more sleep. I am also at times even struggling for a blog post idea, which is very unlike moi!

So bear with me please, I may not get to you as often, but I'll try to get there sometime! Just know I appreciate y'all and your visits mean more than you can imagine. From June 1st I'm on school summer vacation for nearly 2 months and then I'll be all over you!