
Brit' Word of the Day....

Today's BWOTD has two meanings, the first is an abbreviation:

"I bought a new pair of wellies to garden in"

'Wellies' = Wellington Boots or tall Rubber Boots used when outside

The second meaning is a commonly used expression in the UK:

"I am going to really have to give it some welly"

'Welly' = really, really give it a go

So with this word, the spelling and meaning is all in the usage!


Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane said...

Finally, one I knew! At least the boot reference, not sure about the second one.

Love these, keep em coming!

P.S. I just read the latest Sophie Kinsella book and had a question about a word or two. I should have written them down or emailed you. I finished it and returned it to the library though :(

Have a great day Sarah!

Mary (Bookfan) said...

One of my daughters lives and works in Chicago where the winter slush can ruin a favorite pair of shoes or even leather boots. She bought a pair of Wellies with some Christmas $$ and said it was one of her best purchases in quite some time.