
Happy Mothers Day......

in England today, which when I first got here resulted in my having to make a Mothers Day card for the first time in years! Mothering Sunday is the first Sunday in March in the UK.

Don't ask me why we are out of sync with the rest of the world (except Australia?), but we are? So I have learned to plan ahead and buy my mum a card in May each year and tuck it away until March. But then I still have to remember and this year had totally forgotten until a chance visit to a British site reminded me last Monday!

So I'd like to wish my mum a very Happy Mothers Day across the pond and send her my love.


Mary (Bookfan) said...

What a nice photo. You have your mum's smile!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers day to your Mum...you know ya'll look like sisters!!

Sherri said...


Your Mum looks like a lovely person! I love the picture of you 2! Hope she had a nice Mother's Day! Didn't know the UK and Australia celebrated in March.


Anonymous said...

Sherri, Tammy & Mary - thankyou so much for your lovely comments - but my darling Sarah who is to say that the rest of the world isn't out of step with us in the UK & we are right about the Mothering Sunday date?!!!!! I had a really nice day starting off with visiting my Mother - Sarahs grandmother who has just turned 87. Sarah's brother cooked at lunchtime & gave me a cup of tea in bed first thing. Best of all Sarah's card made it in time!!