I was contacted by a reader of my blog and representative of good ol' Marks & Sparks (aka Marks & Spencer - huge Brit' shopping institution), with some exciting news.M&S have just started taking online orders with international delivery, to a few european countries and the USA! They would like expats' to help them out by completing a 5 minute survey on what we miss the most shopping wise. This will help them tailor their international service to our needs and desires. They are also giving away a chance to win a GBP250 gift card for the new service.I went ahead and did it, because I am chuffed to bits they now offer their undies over here, and I wanted them to know what I'd like them to offer (i.e. non-perishable food!). The survey was encouraging, as they seem to be genuinely thinking about offering more (i.e. food!) than just the clothes, accessories and home goods that are available right now!So if you're an expat' go and have your say HERE
That certainly is exciting news for you expat' Brits!!
I love their cookies and croissants. :)
Exciting .. but I am thinking the issue is with export/import rules about food ...
I did it yesterday! I'm salivating at possible getting decent sausages! If you do the survey you are also entered to win a 250 quid gift card. I have a good feeling that it'll be me tho'.
I heard about this... thanks for giving us the link to this!
Isn't it funny how loyal we are to Marks & Sparks?
As with Expat Mum, it's the sausages I want. You can't beat a British banger. The other thing I long for is men's socks. American socks are so long I always think of them as girls socks and trying to get my daughter to send me M&S socks from the UK is like pulling teeth.
So thanks - I will definitely be filling it in!
Great news!
Marks & Sparks is one of the things I miss about good old blighty! Although I wonder if they will also be delivering to Brasil.... me thinks not, but I'm hoping! In the meantime I'll do the survey! Thanks! ;)
I'm guessing (haven't read all the BWOTD posts yet) chuffed to bits means tickled pink?
We get really good bangers around here (perfect for the old toads in the hole) but the Smarties we get here are made in South Africa!
What a delight for all you expats! I could not live without M&S!
Thanks for the info. I love the food hall at M&S, and their knickers, of course.
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