Well Bon-Bon is approaching her 1st birthday in April fast and now she has outgrown Cal-Jo (aka. surrogate mom). I just looked up and spotted them squeezed in the same bed in the bay window, looking so cute together.
These two cats really love each other and care for each other, and it's been so sweet to watch their bond develop. But Bon-Bon is now not only bigger but heavier than Cal-Jo. We weighed her last weekend and she's now just over 10lbs and a big cat in bone size too. She still has a way to go to catch Sukie at 13lbs, but we think she might as she's still not quite a year old. But can't you just tell she belongs to a keen photograpgher, look at her posing LOL!
Oh dear, I may have to get another baby soon!
A-dorable! And such a poser! We were thinking recently how Sally now looks so much like Sterling and their coloring so similar, we can't tell them apart! More than 3, don't know if I could do that.... but nuttin' like a kitten!
Well I think you & I both know how the Hubster might react! LOL
Mine told me that the 4 legged residents cant out number the 2 legged ones... and yet I want another SO badly ... great photos!
Mine word verification: tabliv .. just sayin' its a sign ...
They are friends forever. I remember that when we had two cats and one of them died, the other one kept seeking for her for days. They also missed us when we were on holiday.
They sure do look cozy.
Cute Sarah... Both of your kitties are pretty.. Guess you need to buy a bigger-double bed for them.
Ah bless!
They are lovely cats Sarah. Like the way they are squashed in together. You can't help taking their pictures can you.
It's great they get on so well, I had four and they hated each other. Down to two now and in their old age sadly they're no better. Wouldn't you think they'd mellow. Strange things cats.
Such lovely cats. Paula, a German transplant to Florida
Wow I can't believe Bon-Bon is almost a year old already!!
Hi Sarah! I'm sending an email under separate cover seeking info on the immigration process. Thank you in advance for any possible pointers to share. I really enjoy your blog and have learned so much from it (BWOTD and geocaching, for example).
They are both so majestic. I always liked to have more than one cat so they could entertain me and each other.
Are you into babies? Or just kitties?
Bon-Bon certainly knows how to act when she sees a camera!
They look pretty close. Our older cat detests her younger brother.
Very pretty and yes she poses very nicely, but . . .
can she open a cabinet door, go inside the cabinet and close the door behind her hmmmm?
That's what our kitty does.
I never thought I would be grieving over my cats being separated.
It did my heart good to see your "babies" all cuddled up like that.
so sweet and cute....
Thanks for the photos of you gorgeous kitties! My beloved cat passed away last year - so I love to see other people's beautiful cats.
Well happy birthday to come, well 13 lbs is a light weight to our 30+lb cats. Anyway If your in the lookout for some babies i have the cutest babies right now.... Come check out my critters today.
How nice that they get along with each other. Makes it nice!
How sweet. I so love little kitties and miss having some but in due time.
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