
Brit' Word of the Day

Todays BWOTD is a phrase even my gran sometimes uses!

"Will you do that for me?"
"Not on your nelly!"

'Not on your nelly' = a heartfelt 'not likely'

This is just a funny Brit phrase, I have noticed tends to be used more by northerners and the older generation. The younger generation have their own less polite version!

**Chicago holiday posts will return later today with a Chi-town Skywatch, and then continue with the final Thursday/Friday piccies on Monday & Tuesday.**


Winifred said...

As a Northerner I definitely use this one Sarah.

Jane Hards Photography said...

I haven't heard that for years. You're right though it is used more in the north. I still here it when we go back to Fleetwood, the other halves hometown.

Gaelyn said...

Am I going to miss more Chi-town posts? Not on your nelly.

Dragonfly Lady said...

I'm an ex pat also here in the US...I'm down here in the Sunshine State or should I say Rainy State!! My husband says I make up words and syings so it's great to see a place I can show him I don't

Unknown said...

I have never heard that expression. We say "not on your life" which I basically means the same thing.