
Wow - Hubster out did himself....

Ya think the card I got him is gonna cut it? ;-)

Seriously though, it's one of the most tiring school days of the year and this wasn't even all of them! Maybe I should point out after reading a few comments, these were for the kids.


Victoria - Florence and Mary said...


Victoria x

Midwest to Midlands said...

I just left a comment on blogiversary about your awesome Valentine swag! Just wanted to say I tried to vote for you in the awards but is there some trick I don't know about, it just linked back to your blog. Happy weekend!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

I hate him.

A Brit in Tennessee said...

I see in the news where our local school system was trying to put a stop to all the Valentine deliveries to their students, claiming it is just too disruptive. It made me think of what you had said last year, and I'm beginning to see why.
Wow !

Missy said...

What? Is all that yours? Wow, that is a bit overwhelming, but how nice of everyone to show their love! I worked a a school for a short while and had a wallet full of gift cards. It was great! I think I had free Starbucks for a year!

Linda Jennings said...

It was like this at our school today. Amazing, isn't it?!?

Martha said...

It's not fair -- I remember in my other life when I worked and all the deliveries . . . . alas, none was ever for me. And those who did would gloat -- I do think they should not allow to have flowers delivered to students at school!

Sam_I_am said...

wow! it looks like Walmart the day after Christmas :-)

Sherri said...

Wow what wonderful gifts you received!!

Richard said...

It's lovely to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Blimey, they really go all out at school here, don't they?! :D

Certainly makes what I got Natalie look a little half-baked!! :)

Anonymous said...

That is truly amazing!!!

Almost American said...

WOW! I've never seen anything like that at any of the schools I've worked at! There was a vast amount of candy yesterday and lots of cards of course, because everyone has to give a card to everyone else in their class, but no deliveries. I didn't even see any deliveries for teachers. I'd say it's because we're out in the boonies, but from what you say about your location Sarah it's not really that different there!

Pat said...

Yes, V-Day is way overdone in many schools! That and Halloween brings too many sugar-hyped kids to school and it's very hard to teach them either when they're on a sugar high or on the sugar-low hangover.

Snippety Gibbet said...

I was highly impressed that your man is so generous!!!!!!! Then...the let down. ; ) I know he is generous and in love with his sweety even without all this swag.

Your students got all that??????? Wow.
