
Not on my plate thanks!

Now here's an American delicacy I have yet to taste, but have no intention of ever doing so!

I am not usually so closed minded without giving something a little taste, but I draw the line at certain things and this is one of them. Looking at the picture above you're probably thinking it doesn't look like anything too terrible. Well breading and frying can hide alot let me tell you!

When you see them as they come, not nearly as appetising and a valuable lesson in enquiring about what's under the breading if unsure in Okieland. Because these are Rocky Mountain Oysters, or Calf Fries, otherwise known as the balls of the calf!

The Hubster tells me that a few years ago a Rotary club from Somerset in England, visited our town Rotary Club and whilst here dinner was laid on for them. And I'll leave you to guess what they were served!

So who's going to tell me I need to try them because they're delicious?


Dee/reddirtramblings said...

They're really good and considered quite a delicacy. I had my first lamb's fry, prairie oyster when I was a child. We went to Krebs, Oklahoma, to eat at Isle of Capri or Pete's Place, famous Okieland Italian restaurants and I ate several. Then, my dad told me what they were. Oh well.~~Dee

Elaine Warner said...

And this from a gal who probably ate kidneys and blood sausage at home! Come on girlfriend -- have a ball!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

Hmmmm I don't think I like the sound of these either!!!


Unknown said...

Elaine! LMAO you're right about the kidneys (which the Hubster, who is a butcher, says he'd never eat), but not the blood sausage thanks.

Bella Foxx said...

EWWWWWW! As far as I'm concerned, not enough breading in the world!

carmilevy said...

I promise you it won't be me! I've always shied away from any foods near the edge of the bell curve. I won't even eat it if I can remotely tell its original shape. Even fish sticks that sorta look like fish. I guess I'm a wimp.

Followed your link home from Mojos, and I've gotta say your skywatch photos are spectacular. You've captured the drama of living in a tornado zone with stunning beauty. While I can't wait to see more, I also wish you only safety and comfort as you pursue them.

Pam said...

Me, I'll be the one to tell you that you must try them.

WE took the British in-laws to Cattlemen's Restaurant (recently featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives) and the in-laws loved them. In fact, they were familiar with the concept and called them "sweetbreads". The Kymster loved them until she found out what it was and then you should have seen it fly out of her mouth and across the table.

M.E. Tenerelli said...

Thank heavens there is an alternative: vegetarianism!
And "never on my plate."

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Goodness.... This ole southern gal has never heard of those things ---or at least eating them... Yipes----think I'll stick to my chicken fried chicken, thank you very much...


Anonymous said...

Ewww. LOL. Just as bad as eating fried cockroaches!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

There goes your naturalization possibilities. Gone in an instant. I'm so sad.

Expat mum said...

I thought sweet breads were the brains. Oh well, - still didn't like them. And even though I 've had haggis and black pudding, I'm NOT eating that!

Pat said...

I thought these were pieces of fried chicken at first. Even though it's said that they taste good, I would never try one...eww, just the thought is disgusting.

Daryl said...

Not me, I dont eat meat of any kind ...

Sherri said...

I'm with you Sarah-no calf fries for me either! I remember in the movie Funny Farm with Chevy Chase the funny scene with the lamb fries!

Troy said...

Oh dear! I had just eaten when I read this posting. And why has my mind an image of slicing into profiteroles?

Snippety Gibbet said...

Oh my good lord NO! EW!

Kay said...

Hmmm... that'd be rather hard for me to stomach, that's for sure.

Arija said...

Yuck, I draw the line at eating any gonads, oysters included. It is bad enough having to emasculate the bully calves without eating the contents of the purse.

Garden Lily said...

I love to try all sorts of foods - the weirder the better. But that's one thing which I can't get myself interested in trying.

Anonymous said...

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