
Sacre Bleu - Traffic!!

If it wasn't for the fact I'm trying to stick to 'Oprah's no cellphone meddling in car pledge', I would have photographic proof too. Returning from 'town' (as in the closest thing we have to shopping civilisation that's not a 3-hour drive away) last week, I happened upon some TRAFFIC!

Now let me hasten to add this is not traffic like most of you are used to. And it's another planet compared to what I drove in everyday back home, 4 solid lanes nose to tail for 60 miles twice a day, at speeds ranging between 1-88mph.

But I suddenly found myself on the tail end of a line of not 2, not 4, but oh my good god - 5 other cars tootling along all in very close proximity. A line of traffic where some were actually holding up others, a rare sight indeed in rural NW Okieland.

My first reaction was to giggle to myself and marvel at the sight. My second and more natural response after a few minutes at a decreased speed was a building frustration. My third response was I should take a picture for posterity, followed closely by a mental picture of the big 'O' wagging her finger at me.

I then realised I was on the especially straight spot of road, where no-one will turn out unexpectedly and I can see for miles.

So my next response - I floored it and took all 5 in one swoop, grinning as I powered by them all safely and left them in my gas fumes! I have no doubt I passed someone I knew, because it's like that around here, and no doubt they shook their head at 'that impatient Brit'.

But what the hell, it made me feel like a Brit driver again, all masterfully aggressive and ruling the road. Damn I almost miss traffic - NOT! ;-)


Pam said...

OH that's funny, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. It is what an accelerator pedal is for. Come down here during rush hour; we'll show you the M25 equivalent.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Funny, Sarah..... I'll bet someone knew you also--when they saw Miss Speed Demon flying by.... I have a horribly bad LEAD FOOT..... I must admit that I got my share of speeding tickets back then... These days---George does most of the driving!!!! ha

Happy St. Patty's Day... Wear your green.

Its Just Me - Daring to Dream said...

Well glad that you didnt drive a Toyota...you may not have been able to stop!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Sometimes these 'Sunday' drivers can get up your back...
Lead, follow, or get out of my way, that's my motto ;0

LHA said...

I appreciate you not using the mobile phone. I'm not sure people realize how dangerous that is.

Okie drivers are a world unto themselves!! :)

Anonymous said...

Rural America - the lack of traffic is so wonderful. As you know, just about anywhere you go in the UK is full of other people. It always seemed a shame to me that the speed limits in the US were so low - there are so many opportunities to "floor it"!

Jill of All Trades said...


Unknown said...

Pam, done the OKC rush hour and yes it's bad for here, but in no way comparible to the M25!

Daryl said...

I dont drive often but when I do I dont like dawdlers .. I dont think speeding is safe but seriously pick up the pace if there's an open road

Kris said...

Your kind are a little 'pass happy.' Which freaks me out when I'm driving on one of those country roads with a big yellow sign that tells me there have been 83 casualties on this road in the last 3 years.

But I will say that England has some of the most kind and courteous drivers. I'm almost amazed that the moment I put on my turn signal to change lanes someone actually flashes there lights and lets me in! That never happens in Utah. You just have to cut people off with out any warning if you want to get anywhere !!

Expat mum said...

Ah Oprah - I love the fact that so many people in this country are not texting while driving (not that you would do this Sarah), because Oprah says so rather than because it's against the law!

Russell said...

Whoa! Five cars at one time?!? Whoa!

You are truly an Evil Knivel!! Good for you! But be careful out there!!!

imac said...

Nice one.lol.

Lynn said...

LOL. A "traffic jam" on our road is when I get behind a tractor or pickup pulling a big, wide trailer loaded down with those big round hay bales.

The town where we go to shop has a population of a little over 15,000, I think, and traffic on the main road through it is terrible. Sometimes I'll be sitting behind a someone at a light and see all the traffic lights ahead of me along this main road turn green and yet nobody moves. I don't understand it. Everyone just sits there for 15 seconds or more after the light changes. Why?

Troy said...

My father once told my wife that I've always regarded the car in front as a challenge (to overtake). I didn't argue and my old motto was that I was "never knowingly overtaken" myself. Mind you, I've calmed down now (getting older).

Snippety Gibbet said...

Ah, to dream of a day without nasty traffic...........sigh...... jan

The Antiques Diva™ said...

Ok you had me cracking up at this one... last year a week after Christmas my husband and I were driving to OKC from Woodward to catch a flight back to Europe and at one point on the road, there were about 4 or 5 cars and suddenly BOTH my in laws started discussing the "traffic jam" and my husband and I thought they were joking... but they weren't!

Let me tell you now that we live in Germany my lead foot has gotten out of control. I love barreling down the autobahn at 220km... and my Merc really does want to drive that fast. It's not me, it's the car!!!!


Anonymous said...

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