
I'm going home!

Today I booked my ticket for my first visit home in just over 5 years, leaving December 15 for a fortnight. I'm very excited, my family is over the moon and the Hubster has stoically agreed he'll make it through Christmas without me. Best of all I will get to spend time with my 89yr old Nana who misses me badly.

I told my mum my only requirements are as follows: a bacon butty everyday, a curry at least four times, crispy duck, cold lucozade, a couple of M&S Prawn Mayo sarnies, a trip to Bath to shop and wallow in it's beauty, and a day by the sea. Luckily she and my brother live within easy reach of the last two, so I'm sorted!

This seems highly appropriate right now, even though I will be leaving my love here this time!


Kay said...

Oh gracious! Curry and crispy duck is the only thing I know. But now you've got me curious.

I'm so happy for you, Sarah! How fabulous that you'll get to see Nana and the whole family. I wish your Hubster could go along.

Unknown said...

Kay it's not a time of the year when he'd want to leave his business, so this time I will go alone.

Pam said...

Curry and crispy duck is on our menu as well. And for shopping -- check out the outlet mall at "Street" nearish enough to where you are going to be. In fact, we might need to go there ourselves. I wish your hubster could go along too ... he might need to hire an employee!

Pat said...

That will be so special for you to be back home (first time in 5 years!)with your mum, your nana and your brother for Christmas, Sarah! I am so happy for you. You can have an early Christmas celebration with your hubby.

Anonymous said...

WONDERFUL!!! I bet you are really looking forward to that day on the beach, especially since there's no ocean in OK. LOL.

Mary (Bookfan) said...

How exciting, Sarah! I don't live as far from my family as you do, but I know how important it is to see them and the holidays are a great time to do it. I'll look forward to see your photos :)

Sandy said...

How exciting for you and your family! Sounds like you have a great plan to enjoy your time once you are there. :)
Enjoy and looking forward to your photos.

Linda Jennings said...

I am excited for you! And I understand the hubster's need to stay home and take care of the business.

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

How exciting for you!! I love that the requirements all revolve around food, it's like mine when I go on holiday.

Victoria xx

Jill of All Trades said...

So happy for you! What fun...the food was curious though and would like to try sometime!

Daryl said...

How fabulous ... you can celebrate at Little Christmas ...

Amy said...

Ohh! I love Bath. I bet it is beautiful at Christmas time.

Sherri said...

Oh Sarah I am so very happy for you!!! What fantastic news!

Gone Back South said...

Hello Brit, my husband is American and living in the UK so we're sort of the opposite to you. Nice to meet you!

Anonymous said...

My goodness 5 years is a long time. How have you survived! I am just across the English Channel and miss the UK very much (even though it simply is not the UK I grew up in, I am 60). I imagine your family are thrilled, I am sure it will be a marvellous trip.

Pond Parleys said...

Yay for you. I might have to give you a shopping list. (Just kidding - I'm going in the summer.) Toni

Vickie said...

Well YAY! That's wonderful of DH to be good about your going alone this time and be gone for the holidays. He's a sweetie.

karen said...

Great news! 5 years is a long time.. You must be so looking forward to it, and I know you will enjoy every minute. Better starting un-Americanising your language again in advance.. I did laugh about the spanner/wrench story earlier!!

George said...

It sounds as if you will have a great visit back home. Just don't forget to come back!

Iota said...

Oh, exciting!

Can't the Hubster go with you? Not enough vacation, I expect.

We're going back on June 6th for the summer. Can't wait. And yes, Lucozade. I'd nearly forgotten about that. It was one of my pregnancy cravings.

The Factory said...

It'll do you a power of good. Enjoy. And the BBC at Christmas ? What more can you ask for.

Mare said...

What a wonderful time to look forward to! It will be a fantastic reunion, for sure! Wahoo!!

Teresa said...

How wonderful for you! I am a Nana and so I can relate to yours. What fun! I am looking forward to the piccies!!