
Just a small taster

This was the backside of a smaller non-tornadic storm east of us, but despite being small, it still looked very impressive. You do see the most amazing cloud formations here in Okieland! What I need to do though, is figure out how to post video here. The thunderstorm last night would have blown you away with the intensity!

It's been another bad night for tornadoes in Okieland , there have been many touchdowns all over the state and it's still going on. One of my stepson's is hunkered down in a shelter in Tulsa as I type this, with a tornado bearing down on him. The other stepson had sirens going off and also had to take precautions. I was also very worried about my good bloggy friend Dee at Red Dirt Ramblings, who had a close shave too! These storms all originated out here, but we were behind them thankfully.

We never did get a nap today after our 2 hours of sleep last night, so tonight it looks like we will thankfully have a quieter night.

Spring storms in Tornado Alley, you just gotta chill, or so they tell me!


Cathy said...

Thankfully they will be over soon. Then it will just be hot!

Pam said...

I love love LOVE this photo and think it might be your next blog header, at least potential anyway! Thanks for checking on us. We were just on the back side of it all too. Very threatening for quite a while though! I could have been out photographing a rainbow, but the lightning from the other side of the sky kept me on the patio. And then indoors, quickly .... ;) You just knew Mr. Hawt was going home tonight but still, good on Casey and at least I do know that something bad has happened to him. I forgot that his accident was fairly recent. Maybe that explains his laid-back-ness???? Hmmmm.

Pam said...

BTW, you can create an account with You Tube (if you don't already have one) and use their embed code. It works best for me when I blog using the "Live Writer" download. However, check out "One True Media" -- easier uploads and also easier to add, if I recall correctly. I haven't used them lately. But do search for "Live Writer" and download that, it will make posting the videos much easier than going through Blogger, which always messes up somehow (for me anyway).

Flea said...

I'm in serious need of a nap after last night here in Tulsa. LOVE the photo.

Daryl said...

WOW! Exquisite.

Anonymous said...

here in Hawaii, we never have tornadoes, but we do have hurricanes. take care and good luck!

Expat mum said...

I saw the forecast on the news last night and thought about y'all. I would suggest moving, but there don't seem to be many places in the US with no weather issues really.

Iota said...

That photo is a typical Midwest scene, isn't it. I like Pam's suggestion for it as your next blog header.

Almost American said...

Last night DH made me watch some video on YouTube of a hailstorm that happened this week in OK. Holy cow! Baseball-sized hail when it falls in a swimming pool makes it look as though the pool water is boiling fiercely! You certainly do have big weather down there!

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

We can have some bad thunderstorms here and have had tornadoes, but none as bad as you have. Stay safe.

Jo, a retired teacher said...

I thought of you when the news showed the hail storm (somewhere in OK). The video was amazing with the smallest hail stones the size of golf balls. You live in an exciting weather zone. Be careful.

Sherri said...

Sarah,what a gorgeous impressive picture!!! Be safe!

Mare said...

It must be nerve racking trying to second guess Mother Nature! Hope you and your family and friends stay safe.

Pat said...

Oh, that is frightening--all those tornadoes! I'm glad you are safe, as are the stepsons.

We've been having unusual weather here, too, in northern California. Here it is May 22nd and the low last night was in the thirties! We had hail and snow in April, and even a bit of snow last night up at Lake Tahoe. Usually by now the daily temps are 50s-60s at night and 70s in the daytime.

Pat said...

Oh, and btw, that is a fantastic shot of the clouds in your part of the world! I love the big sky....we have too many trees and mountains blocking our view of the horizon here.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying seeing my familiar surroundings through your eyes. That's a really nice view of Gage.

Joe Todd said...

Love those clouds and stay safe.

Girl Tornado said...

Those are beautiful clouds Sarah. I know what you mean about lack of sleep.... on those nights when the weather radio goes off continuously, we seriously look forward to our next night and getting some sleep, although sometimes we can have several nights of storms and lack of sleep!! Hope y'all got to catch up on your sleep, and that the stepsons are both safe and sound. :-)

BTW, I finally got a job... with the Kansas Turnpike! Oh yah, a booth collector. AND I'm allowed to take my camera with me to work, how cool is that?? I'm part-time right now, but I'm hoping it will morph into full-time eventually. Great place, awesome people. :-) 108 applicants for 3 positions, narrowed down to 7, then to 3. I am blessed lady.

LadyFi said...

Wow - what amazing clouds!

Anonymous said...

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