
My World - Memorial Day

Having had a deliberately lazy Memorial weekend, we decided to do a little Geocaching today.

So we headed out into the wilderness that is NW Okieland. This particular area pictured, is the site of the final inter-tribal battle between the Native Indians that once covered this area. If you fancy your chances against the Rattlers, you can still find arrowheads out in these grasslands.

I enjoyed seeing the native flora all in bloom.

I especially love the colourful Indian Blankets. I once bought some to plant which the Hubster could not believe, as they're freely available on every roadside!

Another fascination of mine, all the abandoned homesteads spread throughout the countryside. In fact I am going to start a photography project on them I think and research their history.

There really isn't alot of anything out on these Plains!

We were after 3 newly published Geocaches, all in cemeteries. If we had given that a little more thought, we might have realised it wasn't the best day to hunt undetected in a cemetery!

We don't have a Memorial Day in the UK, when the cemeteries are all decorated and I think it's a lovely tradition, the displays of flowers are beautiful.

The flags are proudly flown and everyone remembers the servicemen who fought for their country so bravely. But it has also grown to where families decorate the graves of their loved ones generally.

I am always facinated by the choices people make for their headstones. I really wasn't too keen on this design I hadn't seen before, just a little ghoulish I think!

Now here's a surprise, I thought he was indestructable?!

I liked this design, obviously a keen fisherman.

And this one which illustrates our area nicely.

We passed another home that lost a fight with a tornado!

Found another Geocache at this very old cemetery.

The peace, quiet and endless views were amazing here as the sun finally broke through.

What do you do if your town is out of businesses?

Why you get someone to paint them back in as fun murals!

This was our Memorial Day, hope yours was fun too.

To see some great sights around the globe or join in the fun, go to My World Tuesday


Jean at The Delightful Repast said...

Your photography is amazing! And I love that you won't drop your "u's" or change your "s's" to "z's." I irritated my elementary school teachers with all that business--I picked it up from constantly reading English books, and maybe it was in my genes as well!

Sherri said...

I love going on your little excursions with you! Sarah you photography is just lovely! I like that you are going to take pictures of abandoned buildings and do their history! What a wonderful, wonderful book that would make! John and I had breakfast with friends and chilled out doing what we wanted to do all day! Life is good!

Sylvia K said...

Love your photos as always and as always I enjoyed the excursions you take us on. I bet those abandoned buildings and that very old cemetery would make a fascinating book! Hope you've had a great Memorial Day weekend. And have a great week, Sarah!


Anonymous said...

Nice pics! In Hawaii, we strung leis and placed one on each grave at the National Cemetery of the Pacific (Punchbowl Cemetery). Also each grave had a small flag to honor the fallen soldiers. Really pretty!

Vickie said...

What a swell day you had! I love gallardias (blanket flower) too. I have to buy them here in Colorado, not really thought of them as wildflowers as they are in Oklahoma.
Love the town repainted in mural format.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Road Trip, I love it. I love what people are doing now to their gravestones. A few people are now incorporating geocaches into the gravestones. I'm planning on it.

Gaelyn said...

Old homesteads always fascinate me. I wonder about the people who built them. Great project idea. And the town with the murals is a kick.

I worked this weekend.

LadyFi said...

Fabulous shots. I'm fascinated by the abandoned homesteads. Don't people want to live on their land? Re-build? Where do they go after leaving their homes? Fascinating!

Mare said...

Fun excursion!! We had a new tradition that was begun in out town, and it was great. Check it out on my blog.

Pat said...

It's interesting to see the NW plains of OK. The photos of flowers and cemeteries are lovely. I didn't know there was so much deserted land in OK!

Daryl said...

Super shots, Sukie ...

Pam said...

Girl, Ithink you totally have a great book idea with the homesteads and some research about them. Local interest dontcha know. See my e-mail about the camera please!

Kay said...

This was such a fun post, Sarah. I loved going around with you. Tornados are so scary.

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