
It's still raining!

Yep the rain is still on the plains of Okieland, in fact we didn't go to the rodeo tonight partly because of it. But we were also all too tired and just decided to stay dry at home.

It's great to have rain here in July and very unusual to have this much, but the problem is it gets into the high 90's inbetween and so it ends up very humid. I felt like I was walking through water most of today my legs were so tired, and my mum was also suffering with the heat index and humidity.

This afternoon we both ended up going to bed to sleep for a few hours and the whole time it rained! As I write this it's still coming down and yet from tomorrow we are predicted to be heading into a week of temperatures over 100's most days.

Crazy weather but great for the water bill!


Anonymous said...

Oh Sarah, sympathies on the heat and humidity - the heat I can manage, but the humidity, I just wilt.

Pam said...

what? ??? you had rain???? dry as dry can be down here?!!!