It was the biggest load of utter tosh I think either of us has seen in years! It's science fiction, documentary and light horror all rolled into one and unbelievably bad. If this wins (which I'm sure it won't), then the members of the 'Academy' will have proved once and for all, how out of touch they are with opinion of the average Joe and family.
Nuff said, avoid at all cost!
You are right Sweetie, I have had more fun sitting in the Dentists chair than trying to watch this movie.
I have to agree with you, it was one awful movie.
Now the sad part is that I watched it to the end. :-/
Thankfully we all have different tastes, which makes the world a more interesting place. I enjoyed this film.
I too think it not good enough for a win, but as a Sci-Fi movie, it was entertaining. If you like that sort of thing and many do.
As a film written and made by a South African, filmed in South Africa using South African actors and highlighting the real life issues of xenophobia, racism and segregation that are very much part of South Africa's history past and present, it was an interesting exercise. These issues also being relevant to many places where race, religion etc, divide communities.
Granted it is a niche market film and not to all tastes, though it did well at the box office taking over $200 million. Not bad for a film with an unknown cast, no draw of Hollywood big names and it only cost $30 million to make. That's very little these days, proving that there is an audience for films other than the usual American centric corporate Hollywood offerings.
Refreshing me thinks. That's just my opinion, though I'm biased, I like Sci-fi.
Rob, we are all different and you're right that's a good thing. Bit like you and me on modern art too!
Haven't seen it yet and now don't intend to!
Thanks Sarah
Sweetie would agree with you 100%. I, uh, uh, loved it, ahem and I would uh, love it see it again.
It sounds like a movie my husband would like, and I would not like, simply because it is science fiction.
OMG Yogi shocked LOL!!
I haven't seen it, Sarah, but there are always movies nominated that I do NOT like.... It's been that way for years and years... I usually stay away from the 'best' movies!!!! Tells you the type of movies I like!!! ha ha
I could tell by the main photo of the movie that it is something I would never try to watch. Don't do horror. Or Sky-Fi. But interesting that it is meant as a political statement. Hmmmm. Oh what I could film.
Normally, I do NOT like this type of movie, but was actually surprised that I - well, enjoy isn't really the right word - watched it all and thought "Not bad!"
Now The Hurt Locker is fantastic! And the fellow who's up for best actor in that movie really deserves it!
Love your blog, and your great sense of humor. just stopping in from the link On the M104 blog and thought I would say hi !
Sarah, I reviewed back in September
Good thing they make so many movies. We can all find what we want.
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